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You woke up with Devy next to you, back faced to you. You felt your face, it felt ✨crusty✨
Because you were crying all night. Devy stretched to see you awake.

Dev-hey shithead.

You were too exuasted to give back the energy so you just plopped back to bed.

S-I'm not getting out of bed if someone gets me Charli.
Dev-You really like her?
S-so much, man.
Dev-I'll make breakfast.

Devy woke up the guys and Diego and Mattia went downstairs and you were in the room with Kairi. You crawl over next to him.

Kai-hey what's up.
S-nothing much. How are you?
Kai-I'm fine.
S-so tell me all about what did you do over the time I was gone?

Kai-first few months, I was pretty depressed. Until I fell into Cynthia's stupid spell because I was vulnerable and, god damn, she's been cheating on me since we got back together. Not even two weeks, bam, she runs off to fuck someone else when I'm busy. Like holy shit, all about our relationship is sex, sex oh and sex!

You chuckle.

Kai-I wish what we had, could be the same with Cynthia.
S-Devy seems perfect for you, not gonna lie.
Kai-Her? Nah. We had a good talk yesterday when you were passed out. She's interested in Diego.
S-damn! Homeboy got rejected.
Kai-I've been rejected by every girl since you left!
S-seems like I made you my territory?
Kai-Everyone's fucking scared of you.
S-Oh of course!

You both laugh.

Kai-I'm about to break up with her.
S-do it now. She won't fight you while I'm around.
Kai-help me?

You grab his phone and start typing...
'Hey, Cynthia, we need to break up, you've been cheating on me and I honestly never liked you. So peace. Thanks for the crappy months 😍'

Kai-Wow. Thanks.
S-You're welcome.

You plop back on the bed and see some insta posts until you saw a post with you and Charli posing for a selfie

You plop back on the bed and see some insta posts until you saw a post with you and Charli posing for a selfie

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*pretend Charli is addison and the background is a random house with lights and streamers*

You got sad all over again. You went on Twitter and saw Dixie Twittered something

 You went on Twitter and saw Dixie Twittered something

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