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You wake up with Kairi next to you, again. Kairi wakes up right after you.
S-good morning baby boy.
Kai-hey angel.
You giggle and you get up with Kairi and you walk downstairs with Kairi
M-Hey Olaf.
Kairi groans.
S-Why do you call him Olaf?
M-Before we met you, Kairi was the littlest one out of all of us.
Kai-But I'm smarter.
Kairi says as he grabs a pancake and places it on his plate. You chuckle and and grabs pancakes and eat it. You get a notification saying that you hit 3 mil and got a verification mark on TikTok. You stood up and squealed.
Kai-What, babe?!
S-I hit three mil and got a verification!
Kai-That's awesome, baby!
Kairi hugs you. You were 5'0 and he was 4 inches taller than you and his head rested on yours. You sit in the living room for about 2 hours until you say
S-Kai Kai?
Kai-Yeah, babygirl?
S-i wanna build a pillow fort on the trampoline.
You had a medium trampoline outside of your house
Kai-Sure babe.
You grab a lot of blankets and pillows and you walk out. You see Kairi hanging up fairy lights. He sees you
He has a goofy smile. You chuckle. You get on Mattia's shoulders to hang up blankets. You got down and placed out fuzzy blankets. You ordered food and you grabbed it. It was a lot to keep you throughout the night. It was about to get dark so you got your fully charged laptop and phone and McDonalds and sat down with Kairi. He played with your hair while you watched the movie. Mattia and Ale got in the trampoline and watched the movie with you. It ended and you sat up. Mattia and Ale left to grab snacks and ice cream.
You look at him
Kai-so I wanted to ask that..
He says fiddling with his fingers.
S-You can tell me.
Kai-will you be my girlfriend?
You smiled and tears were brimming your eyes
You hug him and kiss him passionately. You cuddled with him a little and Mattia comes in
M-So you asked her?
Kairi nods
Ale-It seems it was a yes.
You chuckle and Mattia goes on live and Kairi comes next to Mattia. He starts talking for about a half hour until he says
M-I'm horny.
You choked on your Gatorade and you start coughing.
M-That's not Ale, that's Kairi's new girlfriend, Sawyer.
Kairi was calming you down and you come to frame between Kairi and Mattia.
S-Hi guys.
You smack Mattia on the head
S-You're always horny!
You go on your phone and Kairi's hand was on your thigh as he talked. His thumb was making circles.
He squeals like a thirteen year old girl. You read the comments and it was full of your name, some nice and some mean. They were shipping you and Kairi. You chuckle and you eat the snacks. You and Kairi go off screen and you cuddle. Mattia gets off live and you all look up at the sky and stare at the stars. You fall asleep on Kairi's chest.

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