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You wake up to a phone ringing. You see it's your phone and grab it.
Lay-Hi! I work at Starbucks and I got you a job if you want so come by anytime and make sure to be dressed in all black! We have a name tag ready for you and an apron!
S-Oh okay! I'll be there in 15! Let me run home and I'll be there!
You hang up and Kairi wakes up
S-hey Kai.
Kai-you can go. I'll be fine
S-thank you.
You kiss him and leave. You run back home and change into a black t shirt and black leggings and you put on your Nike sneakers and put your hair up in a pony and you walk to Starbucks which is like a 20 minutes walk. You arrive and Layla grabs you and puts on your apron and name tag. You were working on the drinks and you had to call out names.
You had to make a caramel frappe and the name was so stupid.
S-Caramel frappe for Seymour Butts? Seymour Butts here?
A group of teenager boys snicker and a blond haired boy grabs the cup
S-Have fun, Seymour Butts.
The group leaves. You make some more drinks. You were working on the cashier until you hear a voice behind you
Kai-Can I have three mango dragon fruit with two pumps of syrup, please?
You turn around.
S-Coming right up.
You meet Kairi's eyes and his face lightens up and your face turns red. You punch in the order
Kairi was distracted by something
You say, making him come out of his thoughts
You chuckle
S-more like baby boy.
You mutter under your breath. Kairi stands by the wall and you make them.
S-Order for Kairi!
Kai comes up and winks at you.
Kairi's pov
M-Where did Sawyer go?
He says, coming out of his sleep
Kai-She had to go somewhere but I'm not sure.
Ale-I want starbies.
He says in a baby voice.
Kai-Fine dumbass. I'll pay?
They both smile
We all hop in the car and drives to Starbucks. I walk in and I order my drinks. Me and the boys had the same favourite girly drink. The girl turns around and my tired frown on my face turned upside down when I saw it was Sawyer! So this is where she went.
S-Coming right up.
I became deep in thought, admiring her blue eyes and her cheeks red from blushing and her smile when she saw me. I'm glad that I can make her happy.
She says and I jolt out of my thoughts
She chuckles and I hear her mutter "more like baby boy"
I blush super hard and she makes my drinks while I stand near by the wall.
S-order for Kairi!
I grab my drinks and wink at her and she smiles. I jump in the car and release that huge breath I've been holding that I didn't know.
M-Bro, you okay?
Kai-I'm fine.
M-Bro I know that look. I never see that face but only when you see Sawyer.
Kai-Sawyer's working there as a cashier and she was really cute. And when I told her my name for the order because it's part of the job, she muttered 'more like baby boy' and BRO THAT GOT ME! Call me a simp but I really like this girl.
M-My boy is growing up so fast.
He says with his hand to his heart
Ale-You really like this girl
Kai-So much. We haven't went out on a date but we like each other. She told me last night.
M-No shit. I've seen her the way she looks at you. And she was holding your hand while she was sleeping.
I blush super hard again. I hand them their drinks and drive off to the mall to get some more hoodies for Sawyer to steal.
Sawyer's POV
I see Kairi leave and I go around back and Layla follows me
Lay-You like that Kairi guy?
S-Yeah a lot. I told him that I like him and he likes me back.
Lay-I told Coach about you two and he says he supports it. We know he's a good kid.
S-I really like him.
Lay-Go get your man. You're done for the day.
You smile and you take off your apron and run out of the shop and you walk back home and you get a factetime and it's from Kairi. You pick up and it's Mattia on the phone
Kai-Bro, give it back!
You can see Kai trying to reach up for his phone. Mattia gives the phone back
Kai-Sorry, Sawyer. I wanted to ask if you wanted to go out on a date with me tonight?
You say smiling and Kairi smiled back
Kai-Get dressed by 6:30, I'm picking you up!
You smile and nod. You hang up and it was about 5:30. You were working the whole day so you hopped in the shower and washed your hair and body. You dried your hair and curled it. You go in your closet and look through it. You call Layla and she picks up
S-Hey, I'm not home tonight because I'm going on a date with Kairi!
You say happily
Lay-That's great, sweetie!
S-I just wanted to let you know.
You hang up and pull out a dress

You get a text from Kairi, saying that he's outside

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You get a text from Kairi, saying that he's outside. You run out to see Kairi leaning on his car.
Kai-You look beautiful.
You smile
S-You look handsome
You hop in the car and he drives to a restaurant.
Kai-This is the restaurant where Mattia's dad works. If you see Mattia, ignore him because he forced me to come here.
You laugh and you go in. A man leads you to a booth and you both sit down. You look at the menu and you look up to see Mattia smiling
S-Hey tia.
M-So what can I get your order for today?
Kai-I'm gonna get the mini pizza with fries on the side please.
M-mini pizza for the mini dude.
He says as he writes it down.
Kai-fuck off.
You giggle
S-I'm gonna have the chicken breast with fries on the side
M-Small, medium or large chicken?
S-large because this bitch is hungry.
M-Coming right up.
Mattia smiles and leaves.
S-Well he's a gentleman.
He says jokingly. You giggle again
S-you're cute.
Kairi blushes a little
S-So what did you plan for tonight?
Kai-It's a surprise but I have ice cream in the freezer at my house and a whole lotta junk in my room.
S-You read my mind so well.
You both giggle.
S-It's crazy we only knew each other for about a week and we're already going out.
You guys keep talking and Mattia comes with the food and you both eat and talk. You finish and you guys pay and leave. You all drive to his house. Kairi pulls you up to his room and the led lights was purple and the bed looked so comfy and the tv was on, ready for a movie.
Kai-Movie night?
You chuckle and you sit on the bed and Kai brings up two tubs of ice cream and hands you a tub.
Kai-We're getting fat tonight.
S-Hell yeah. But can I change out of this dress?
Kai-Sure, you can borrow one of my hoodie in the closet and you can grab my gym shorts in my dresser.
You get up and open the closet. You look around and you see a closet but it's with doors. You see "My hoodies so Sawyer could steal it"
You smile and you open it, it's full of hoodies. You can smell Kairi's cologne on them. You grab a big red one with black sleeves and you grab gym shorts and change. You plop on the bed
S-I love the closet you made for me.
Kai-I saw that you liked to wear my orange hoodie so I grabbed some. I have like millions of hoodies so why not.
You smile and you watch movies and you finish the ice cream and you grabbed a huge container of gummy worms and started eating them. On the fourth movie, there were a romantic scene and you cuddled up to Kairi. He twirled your hair and you look up at him.
His lips looked so damn kissable. They were pink and plump. You leaned up to his lips. Both of your lips was hovering on each other. Kairi brought up a hand to your hair and closed the gap between you guys. Your lips moved in sync. Kairi goes on top of you and you both keep kissing, it was very romantic, it wasn't like making out. He grabbed you and put you on his laps and your legs was wrapped around you and you kissed him.
M-Hey, how it's go- oh shit
Ale-I told you, Mattia.
Kai-Really, Mattia?! Get out!
M-Sorry! Just don't make any babies.
Mattia closes the door and you got off
He whines
S-Sorryyy. Let's go.
You walk downstairs and you hang out with Mattia and Ale. You were holding Kairi by his waist and you snuggled up to the crook of his neck and placed light kisses on there. His arms around you, tightens and you can hear him humming slightly.
Ale-Okay stop making babies and talk!
Kai-Bro can you guys ever shut up?
You back away and you cuddle with Kairi while the boys all talked. You fell asleep on Kairi's chest. Kairi picks you up and places you in his bed and lightly brushed his lips against yours. He made a call to your parents making sure you're safe at his house and Mattia and ale slept over and Kairi was holding you.

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