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You woke up by Marc waking you both up.

Marc-hey lovebirds. You guys need to wake up, we're picking up Prince and Colton.

As you heard those names, you shot up but a shooting pain went through your body. Marc sits on your side and rubs your back. You take a deep breath and slowly gets up. Marc leaves and you grab a sweater and leggings and puts it on . You slip on your vans and walk downstairs. You grab a muffin and get in the car with Heidi and Charli. Your foot was tapping the whole time on the car floor. You look out of the window. A hour passes and you arrive to the police station. You walk out and Heidi talked to the officer and the officer radioed him in. You hear a voice behind you


You run to him and drop to your knees and he runs to your arms. You hold him for life.

S-I'm never gonna let you go.
Colt-I luv you, sawyie. Is mommy and daddy gone ?
S-yes, baby. For a very long time.

Colton nods slowly and you kiss his forehead. You see prince run to you and you hug him too. You kiss him on the head and Heidi lifted you up from the ground and walked you to the car and prince jumped up on the seat and lied down as you held Colton. He fell asleep. You finally went back home and Heidi opened the door for you because you were still holding Colton.

Kai-is that Colton?

He runs over to him

Kai-hey little buddy!

You smiled and Colton was reaching for you and you grabbed him and went to the bathroom. You took a selfie of yourself with him and then you sat him down on a chair and took a picture of him

 You took a selfie of yourself with him and then you sat him down on a chair and took a picture of him

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pretend a baby is there, sitting in her arms

the reason why he looks like that is because coach and Layla was black

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the reason why he looks like that is because coach and Layla was black. I'm not racist 😭

And you posted it on insta and the caption said

I haven't been here over 6 months. Well my parents has passed away in a car accident and now I have to take care of my little brother. I got adopted by the d'amelio family. Me and Charli aren't confirmed but we definitely like each other. I won't be here anytime soon. I love you all

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You put away your phone and played around with him. Marc came out of yours and Charli's room.

Marc-Wanna see your new room? For you both?

You walk upstairs to see a huge ass room.
The bed looked like this

For you and Charli and the other side of the room was for Colton

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For you and Charli and the other side of the room was for Colton

For you and Charli and the other side of the room was for Colton

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Pretend the creepy picture isn't there.

You tear up and hug Marc.
S-thank you! I love it!

Marc smiles

Marc-Colton seems sleepy. Let him sleep

You nod and put him in his new bed and he just falls asleep. You put a blanket over him and you lie down on the bed and doze off. Prince fell asleep next to you too and you cuddle up with him

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