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Sawyer's POV
You slowly wake up and your arms hurt like hell. You look down and see your arms all bandaged up. You sigh. You sit up and see the clock and it's 3:45 in the morning. Charli moves her head and opens her eyes
You say breathy.
Charli stumbles from her chair and almost tripped on her blanket. Addison stumbles awake too. Charli runs to you and hugs you. Addison hugs you too after Charli. You swing your legs over the bed. You see Kairi come in with a cup of coffee. He looks up and drops his cup. He runs to you and hugs you. You wrap your arms around his neck. He sobs into your shoulder
Kai-I thought I was gonna lose you.
S-you're never gonna lose me. I'm sorry for what happened.
Kai-no. Never be sorry. Just please don't take it out on your body, talk to me.
You nod slowly. Everyone walks in and hugs you.
M-Are you stupid?
You chuckle lightly and hugs Mattia and Ale. Bryce hugs you and Josh hugs you too.
Jh-I'm sorry about Jaden. I was furious at him.
S-it's gonna take a while for him to take my trust back.
Josh nods.
Kai-Griffin saved your life.
You see griffin with bloody hands from your arms
S-Thank you.
You hug him. Layla and Coach comes in and hugs you.
Coach-Who let my daughter do this to herself?!
He boomed to the room.
S-Dad please-
Coach-No! They hurted my daughter!
Lay-Sweetie, listen-
Coach-No I'm not listening anymore! They've caused a panic attack and now this!
Sawyer Paige Travis, I'm not letting you see them anymore.
Lay-Honey, we should talk about this.
S-They're my life! If it wasn't for them, I wouldn't be here!
Kai-And I was the one who gave her a blood transfer.
C-And I helped her with the panic attack.
B-All of this is Jaden's fault. He's a friend of ours.
Lay-Wait, was he the gentleman who helped you with your panic attack?
S-yes, mom. Please, dad, I love them.
You hear his voice. You lift your head up.
J-I am so sorry-
S-Get out, Jaden.
J-Please let me explain-
S-I said get out! Get out!
You shout and your chest starts hurting. Jaden leaves and you clench your chest. You try to inhale but it was shaky. Kairi hugs you and kisses your face.
S-thanks, I felt a panic attack coming.
The doctor comes in and releases you. You get up and you walk to the car and Kairi's hand was on your thigh while driving. You arrive to the house and see a car that wasn't familiar. You get in the house and see Mads on Jaden's lap. Mads meet your eyes and looks at your arms.
Mads-Poor Freddy Krueger!
She says, pouting sarcastically.
S-So you fell back to her spell because of me?
You say to Jaden
S-Mads, did you know your "boyfriend" did this to me?
You point to your arms and Mads shot her head to Jaden
Mads-You made a girl cut herself? You're disgusting!
Mads gets off his thighs. Mads walks up to you
Mads-I'm so sorry. You probably hate me-
S-Hey, no. It's okay. I forgive you. But Hossler?
Not so much.
You walk upstairs and you fall asleep on the bed at 7:30 in the morning.

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