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You wake up to your alarm, you wanted to wake up and take care of Colton so Layla couldn't wake up and take care of him. You walk into Colton's room and grab him. You walk downstairs and put him in the high chair and grabbed the baby food for him. You get a text and you look at the screen

Who the fuck is this
Oh right, this is Ale. I got your number through Coach. So do you wanna hang with us?
Uh, sure! What time?
Two o' clock?
Cool, pick me up?
Yk it.

You put your phone away and Coach wakes up and walk downstairs
S-Morning, Coach. Can I hang out with Mattia, Ale and Kairi?
Coach-Okay. I'll take care of him now, you get dressed.
You smile and run up. It was about 1:45 so you had 15 minutes to get dressed. You changed to ripped jeans and Kairi's hoodie. You didn't have a crush on him but you liked him as a friend.

I guess? I don't know.

And you brush your hair and you hear a rock hit your window and you see Mattia throwing. You roll your eyes and you run down and out of the door.
Kai-Wow, still wearing my hoodie?
S-Shut up.
You smile
M-Wow, look who's smiling.
You roll your eyes and get into the back with Mattia and Kai was in the front while ale was driving
Ale-So you like Kairi?
You chuckle
S-Sorry but I really don't like him. I have a crush on someone else.
Kai-Oh, who?
S-Noah Schnapp. He's hot as hell.
M-He's a twig!
S-Well you are!
Mattia's smile fades away.
S-What's wrong?
You say worryingly.
M-I'm just insecure of my body...
He mumbles.
S-Oh my god, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to.
You hug him and rest your head on his chest while your leg was over his leg.
S-I didn't mean to. you're perfect no matter what. Don't be insecure. I'm a dickhead.
Mattia hugs you back.
M-thank you. I know it's a joke. And yes you're a dick head.
Your head shot up and slaps his head.
S-Stupid fucking dinosaur.
You chuckle. Ale drives to a field
S-What are we're doing here?
M-We always sit down and chill.
S-That's cool I guess.
You all walk out to the field and sit down. You lie down and Mattia climbs on top of you and rests his head on your stomach.
S-What the hell?
Kai-Mattia! You always cuddle with me!
He whines jokingly.
He gets up and winks at you and you roll your eyes. Mattia sits down and Kairi gets in between his legs.
You rest your head on Ale's shoulder and play on your phone.
You hear a girl shout out "Fag!"
It was clearly pointed at Mattia and Kairi. Kairi wells up and Mattia's jaw clenches and holds Kairi tight.
S-Yo, what the hell did you just say?! C'mon say it to my face, bitch!
You walk up to the girl and gets in her face.
Girl-Your friends.....is a fag.
You shove the girl onto the ground and get on top of her and starts swinging. The girl flips you and she swings back. You had a bloody nose and bloody lip. You grab a handful of her hair and pin her on the ground and your foot pushes her back onto the ground. Two guys run and grab the girl. You look down at Kairi's sweater and it's blood stained. You take it off and try to rub it off. Your eyes well up and the guys run over.
S-I'm sorry guys. I ruined your favourite sweater!
Kai-It's okay.
Kairi hugs you and Ale gives you tissues and you clean up your nose and lip.
S-I'm sorry guys. I know you guys aren't gay but my best friend was and she killed herself because she got bullied.
Tears stream down your face.
Ale rubs your back and you all go home. Lucky Layla and Coach wasn't home so you walked up to your room with the guys and you sat in your bed. Ale and kairi was at your feet while Mattia sat next to you, twirling your hair.
You turn on some country music and you got up and grabbed Kairi's hand and danced around. The boys got up and danced around too.
S-I have to use the bathroom.
You walk into the bathroom in your room. You do your thing and you wash your hands. You hear the boys talking
Ale-She's nice
Kai-And really beautiful. Too bad that she doesn't like me.
You smile to yourself and you wash up your face to clean off extra blood and you sit next to Kairi.
He smiles at you with a goofy smile.
You rest your head on his shoulder. The boys all talk while you fall asleep. Your eyes were getting sleepy and you rested your head on Kairi's lap.
M-what the hell
S-I'm sleepy, italian boy.
You say right before you pass out.
15 minutes pass and you feel someone playing with your hair and its hand pulls away and you whine a little
Kai-needy much?
He says smiling at you. You look up
S-cute much?
You say, making him blush a little.
Coach-Sawyer, I'm home!
You jolt from Kairi's lap
S-Guys, sit over there by the wall!
The boys get up and lie down on the wall across you. You start talking about soccer things. The boys look at you confused but they catch along.
Coach comes in
S-So I was running and I scored and won for the whole team!
You shout, pretending to not know Coach's existence.
Coach-Talking about soccer again?
S-Hey Coach. Yeah.
Coach-Well you boys have to go home.
M-'Kay coach.
They all get up and leave. You wave them goodbye.
Coach-We brought pizza if you want.
You run down and eat pizza. You walk upstairs and turn on your fan in your room. It was July and it was hot as hell. You had nothing to do since your game which was the last one for the summer. You text Ale
Yo, do you know Kai's number?
Ya, it's ***-***** ****
Thanks bro.

You get the number and type it in
Is this Kairi?
It's Sawyer!
Oh hey!
Can I come over? I'll be there in 5 or depends where you live. Can I sleepover?
Sure! Here's my addy

He texts you his address and you pack up. You run down
S-Hey I'm sleeping over at Kairi's.
You tell Layla
L-Okay, be safe.
S-Of course.
You start walking in the dark. It was like five minute walk. It starts pouring so you run to his house. You knock on the door and it opens to see a shirtless Kairi.
S-Hi. Can I come in?
Kai-Hey! Sure!
You come in and wring out your wet hair.
Kai-Come up my room.
You follow him and you jump on his bed
Kai-ya okay, break my bed.
He says under his breath. You chuckle.
Mattia comes in the room with Ale
S-Hey guys!
Ale-Hey Sawyer!
You smile.
M-Let's play truth or dare.
You all sit in a circle.
M-Truth or dare, Sawyer
S-Dare, i ain't no bitch.
M-Kiss who you think is cute?
Everyone closes their eyes and Mattia immediately puckers up. You sigh and kiss you think is cute.
M-Why isn't she kissing me?
Ale-Because she's kissing him.
Your lips was on Kairi.
You pull away and you and Kairi were red.
Kai-Guys can you leave, I need to talk to Sawyer.
Mattia and Ale leaves and Kairi stands up and you stand up front of him.
S-Let me explain. I kissed you....because I like you.
Kairi's eyes go wide and he does a little victory dance
S-Stop being cute and kiss me.
You say smiling and Kairi kisses you. Mattia and Ale comes in and you guys go to sleep after few rounds and you were cuddling with Kai. You smile and kiss him gently on the lips and fall asleep.

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