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You wake up and your muscles were so sore. You see the love of your life sleeping. You gently kiss his tiny nose and then his lips and you walk to the shower and turn on the hottest temperature. You hop in and it almost burned your skin but it felt so good. You were playing your playlist.
Electric Love by: Børns
S-fuck, this is my favourite song.
You mumble. You heard something outside of the curtain, it was probably Kairi brushing his teeth. You suddenly felt a cold air of breeze come in the shower and you shivered
Kai-sorry baby girl.
You started to wash your body with a loofah but Kairi gently grabs it and starts to scrub your back. He starts to kiss your neck and shoulders.
~𝐁𝐚𝐛𝐲 𝐲𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐧 𝐚 𝐛𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞~
Kairi turns you around and he hovers his lips over yours
~𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐢 𝐧𝐞𝐞𝐝 𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐮𝐜𝐤 𝐛𝐲 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐜 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞~
He presses his soft warm lips on yours while the song plays. You wrap your arms around him and presses your body on him. His semi hard dick presses up your leg.
Kai-that's only for you. Not Lauren.
You smile and you get down on your knees and starts to suck him off. He groans and you make eye contact with him and you make innocent eyes then moan on to his dick that makes him more harder. You pull away and he looks at you with confused eyes.
S-meet me on the bed. No touching.
You wrap your towel around you and walk out. You hear the shower turn off and Kairi walks out and drops his towel, you weren't in the mood to actually fuck so you went on your knees and started to suck him off again.
He finally twitches and cum in your mouth. You look up at him and swallow and smile innocently. Kairi looks at you with wide eyes. You stood up and started to dry off. Kairi mumbles out 'fuck'
S-Babe, what's wrong?!
Kai-My mother wants me to visit her, with you.
S-oh! Well that's okay!
Kai-in Italy.

Okay here's one thing, Kairi is half Japanese and half Italian.

S-woah! Oh my god, when?
Kai-Tomorrow. But here's one thing.

Kai-My parents are rich.

He says quietly.

S-huh?! Say that again, Kairi.
Kai-My parents....are millionaires.
You say, rushing on your shirt.
Kai-babe...they work for the Italian mafia.
Your jaw dropped.
Kai-I didn't want to work for them so I moved here.
Kai-This sounds a shock right now but they want me over.
S-okay.... sure! I'll grab the suitcases. How long are we staying there?
Kai-Two weeks.
You nod and start packing.

Fast forward next day

You got dressed into a emerald green dress

You got dressed into a emerald green dress

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And curled your hair. You were on the private jet that Kairi's parents sent.
Kai-You look amazing baby.
S-I don't know..... what if they hate me!
Kai-they won't. If something goes wrong, we can leave immediately.
You nod. You finally land in Italy. 

Fast forward 30 minutes
After awhile of driving, you drive up to a mansion with a fountain in front of it with marble stairs leading up to the front door.
Kai-Don't panic.

The limo driver finally pull up to the front and Kairi comes out first. You were fixing your shoes.
Kai-Mom, Dad. I want you to meet my girlfriend.
Kairi grabbed your hand and you slowly got out of the car.
S-Hi, Mr and Mrs.Consentino. It's so glad to meet you both!

I made up names so deal with me please

Gio-Please call me Gio! Mr. Cosentino makes me sound old!
You giggle lightly and shake his hand.
S-My name is Sawyer.
You face the mother and puts out your hand. The mother stares at the hand but keeping her chin up.
He says in a Italian accent.
Mar-perché questo stupido è qui ?!  Volevo che amassi una vera donna!  questa ragazza bianca è solo falsa!

(why is this fool here?! I wanted you to love a real woman! this white girl is just fake!)

You look down on the ground, you didn't know those words but you knew it was about you.

Maria scoffs and turns and walks away.
S-I'm so sorry, I should go-
Gio-Please don't. Maria is just very cold.
Kai-but she didn't really have to go after Sawyer.
Gio-I'm really sorry. Come in. Marco! Please bring in their bags!

The buff guy nods and starts to pull out the bags but you stop him
S-Let me help! You've done too much for us!
You grab your bag and start walking towards the house. You overheard Gio
Gio-your girlfriend is very tough.
Kai-She really is.

You smile and you get lead to a very big room.
Kai-This was my room.
S-This?! It could be for a ballroom!
The ceiling was ten feet high and the width was at least 10 feet wide and the floor was so shiny that you could blind yourself with it. The walls was charcoal grey.
Kai-Mom wanted me to have the best.
S-Clearly I'm not the best.
Kai-Stop it, Sawyer. Don't blame everything on yourself. Forget about mom. You're mine and only mine.
He says, leaning his forehead on yours and you kiss him gently.
Mar-Supper is ready. Come down
She says, sharply.
S-We'll be there in a moment, Mrs.Cosentino.
Maria swoops away. You went in the bathroom and freshened up. You changed to jean shorts and one of Kairi's t-shirts. You walked downstairs.
S-Hi! That dress was a bit uncomfy.
Gio-That's alright. Make yourself at home!
S-Thank you, Gio.
You sat down. You were sitting next to Maria and Kairi was across you. The maids was walking over with a steaming hot pot of soup and Maria 'accidentally' tripped the maids and she dumped the whole pot of soup on your naked lap.

(You were wearing shorts dummy)

You whimpered lightly.
Gio-Sawyer! Emilia, get her a towel please!
Emi-Coming up! I'm so sorry!
S-It's okay! I've been through a lot worse than this.
You say staring holes into Maria's soul-less eyes.
Kairi picked you up bridal style and carried you to the room and took off your shorts and grabbed a first aid kit and grabbed a lotion and started to rub it on your scalded spot. You hissed lightly.
Kai-I'm so sorry about my mom-
S-don't talk. I need peace.
Kairi nods and finishes. He gives you his sweats and you put it on. You hear a rap on the door
S-Come in please!
Emi-Hi, Ms. Travis, Mr.Cosentino wanted to send his deepest apologies about today's accident, so he got you more food.
S-Thank you Emilia.
Emilia smiles and walks off. You ate the supper and you put it to the side and you started to fall asleep so you cuddled up to kairi and fell asleep.

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