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You woke up, your legs sore.
S-fuck my legs.
M-Ohhh, so you guys fucked?
Kai-shut up, man.
M-Alright, alright, damn. So, you're all coming over my house tonight.
S-that's okay I guess. Can you guys please leave?
Ale and Mattia left and Kairi brought over clothes to you which was leggings with kairi's white champion t-shirt which was big on you. You took off your clothes in bed and Kairi helped you to get dressed and you hopped on his back and he walked downstairs.
S-Hey char.
He shouted to the living room.
S-Kairi baby, bring me to Mattia.
You say to Kairi and Kairi walks over to Mattia and you held Mattia's shoulder and hit him on the her multiple times.
M-Ow, puttana, hai fatto male da morire!
(Ow, you bitch, that hurted as hell!)
S-povero bambino, succhialo perdente
(Poor baby, suck it up, loser)

Mattia looks at you with wide eyes.

S-My mom speaks in Italian to her mom when I was growing up. She's mixed, her dad is black but her mom is Italian. So if you try to use anything in Italian, you're going down.
So Kairi, bring me to the kitchen please.

Kairi carries you over to the kitchen and you grabbed an apple and ate it.

Fast forward to 7 pm.
M-mamma, sono a casa!
(Mom I'm home!)
No response.
M-Oh right! My parents are out on a date.
M-Get out my house.
You laugh and you sat down in his bedroom.
You all made a lot of TikToks until Mattia shouts out
M-What the fuck?!
S-What's wrong!
You were sitting next to him.
M-did you tell anyone that I was gay?
He says, staring at his phone harder
S-No, I didn't.
M-Really?! Explain this!
He shoves his phone in your face and you see
'Is Mattia Polibio gay?!'
Across the screen.
S-What the hell?
M-My 'best friend' outed me to the whole fucking internet.
S-Why do you think it's me?!
M-Because I know Ale and Kairi wouldn't never do that!
S-Why don't you believe me?! I didn't tell anyone!
M-Get out!
Kai-Bro, you need to listen-
He shouts and Kairi sat down.
S-What the hell?! Don't yell at us like that!
Ale-Sawyer, you better back up when he's mad.
S-Or what?!
You say, staring in Mattia's eyes.
S-Are you gonna hit me?! What are you gonna do?
You say, shoving his shoulders and before you knew it, your back landed on the wall and your body was flying to the wall and your head hit the door. You look at him and check your head and it was bleeding a little. Mattia's chest was falling up and down and his fists was balled up.
S-Fuck you.
You say getting up and running out of the door. You heard Kairi screaming at Mattia and Ale shouting for you. You ran for your life. You ran and ran and ran until your legs burned. You saw the hype house was coming soon. You didn't know them but knew Charli and the others was there for the night.
You ran to the house and saw lights from the back yard and ran there. 90% of people you didn't know looked at you.
?-Girl, are you okay?!
J-What the hell?!
They both run to you and your eyes were tear brimmed. Your neck and the back of Kairi's WHITE t-shirt was soaked in blood.
J-Your head is bleeding!
You started to pass out and fell in Jaden's arms.
Jh-Griffin, get your ass over here!
Josh says while running to you.

You wake up in a room that wasn't yours.
S-oh fuckery, my head.
Jh-You need to lie down.
You felt your head and felt bumps.
S-I got stitches, did I?
S-Did you shave my hair off?'
S-oh thank god.
Ad-What happened?
You explain everything what went down.
J-So you're telling me, Polibio shoved a fucking girl?!
S-I was in his face so I might've deserved it. But he was blaming me.
?-Guys, she might be confused where she is.
S-All I know is I'm at the hype house.
Ry-I'm Ryland. And yeah, I was that guy you met at that party.
S-Oh hey. Wait where's nick?!
??-I kicked him out.
A dark haired guy says.
Th-I'm Thomas.
Mia-I'm Mia.
So that's the girl who asked me if I was okay.
Tony-I'm Tony
O-I'm Ondreaz
Oli-I'm Olivia.
Kou-I'm Kouvr.
(That's all I know)
S-I'm Sawyer.
Ad-Let's get you changed.
Charli passes you fresh clothing. It was a sports bra and sweats. You borrowed Jaden's zip up sweater and zipped it down a little so your bra was showing a little
S-Mind if I stay here? I need time away from my boyfriend and everyone else. I love Kairi but I just need time.
Th-You're free to stay.
Ch-Do you guys have anymore sprite?-
You lunge to him but Jaden pulls you back and you inhale.
Ch-Oh it's you.
Jh-Finally another person who hates Chase!
Ch-Fuck you bro.
S-He can snap your body in half by the way so shut up.
Josh giggles a little.
Ch-Why are you here?
You explain the fight to him.
Ch-That's too bad.
He says pouting sarcastically.
Th-Not the time, Hudson. The poor girl got hit in the head.
You walk downstairs. You sat in the living room and you wanted to get a drink but you over heard Chase
Ch-Yeah I spread it. Mattia is so pissed at Sawyer!
Am-Perfect. Now she'll get payback!
You gasp silently to the voice of Ambree. You collect yourself and you walk in.
Ch-gotta go. What do you want.
S-I just wanted to get a drink.
You grab a Gatorade and walked out.
You drank the whole bottle as you started to fall asleep. Your head landed in Jaden's lap.
Jaden picked you up and put you in Charli's room.

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