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You wake up, knowing you need to break up with Kairi today. You walked downstairs to hear your boyfriend's voice.
Kai-hey guys. I haven't found Sawyer yet.
You slowly walked downstairs and your eyes was full of tears.
He starts to run to you but you blurt out
S-we need to breakup
He stops in his tracks and everyone went quiet.
S-I'm so sorry. You have every reason to hate me. I still do love you but this is too much. Mattia hates me, I keep getting hurt.
Kai-but I can protect you!
S-I know you can. But it could be better for us. You can find a better girl-
Kai-No girl is better than you!
He says with his eyes tear brimmed.
S-I'm sorry. I'm so sorry! But I know this is exhausting for you. Going back and forth to the hospital because of me. Just go, and find a wonderful girl. Please.
You kiss him on the cheek and smile weakly. He smiles back with the same energy as yours
Kai-uhm. I'll see you tomorrow at school.
You nod slowly and he left and you burst out in tears.
J-You were strong. That's good.
C-I'm so sorry, girl
S-at least he can be so much better off without someone else.
You fell in Jaden's arms and he laid you on the couch. Charli started to make you breakfast and you stared off to space.
C-here you go.
You ate slowly.

Fast forward the next day
You were dressed in one of Jaden's hoodies and your jeans. You were walking to school because there were no ride. Usually Mattia would be your ride with the boys but not anymore...
Jaden and Josh had to be at school to get ready for the football game Friday night. Which was in two days.
After 20 minutes of walking, you finally get to the school. You see Madi with someone and she sees you and runs to you.
She says energetically. You giggle a little.
Madi-I heard the news, I'm so sorry.
S-oh god. it's okay. He should be better off without me.
You see Kairi walk over to Lauren and starts chatting up with her. Your heart broke a little more but you smiled a little, Lauren was very beautiful.
Madi-Lauren isn't that much of a bitch but Cynthia is really rude.
S-that's good. Lauren could treat him better.
You start walking to your locker which was next to Ale's and Lauren's.
S-Good morning, Ale.
He looks at you and closes his locker and walks away. You sigh and you look next to you and see Lauren.
S-hey. You and Kairi look cute together.
You smile lightly. She blushes a little but frowns a little
Lau-I'm sorry! I know you and Kairi was dating-
You put a hand on her shoulder
S-Hey, it's okay, you'll take care of him so well.
You close your locker and wink at her and walks off.
Mattia hisses behind you and pushes your head where you were still healing.
S-motherfucker, that hurt.
You whispered but walked away. You sat down in science class and started to work but you see Ale sit next to you but full on ignoring you. You sigh.

The teacher was talking but Ale was staring at you.
Teacher-Mr.Rosario, if you wouldn't stop making love eyes at Ms.Travis, you would know the answer.
Ale-I wasn't making love eyes at her, what the hell?
You giggle a little.
S-I can tell the answer, to make a firework you would need some copper, sodium nitrate and calcium chloride. That's the top three chemicals you could make a firework.
Ale-I knew that.
He mumbles
S-You didn't, because you were making 'love eyes' at me?
You mocked at him and he shakes his head and smirks
You smile.

The day rushes by to lunch time.

You had no where to sit until you heard Jaden calling your name.
J-Sawyer! Come sit with us.
You smile and you walk over and the whole football team were there. You sat down.
P-How are you doing?
S-fine. it's rough right now but I'll get better. I always do.
You smile lightly.
S-it's mentally and physically exhausting right now.
J-Don't worry, we're always here.
He holds your hand for few seconds and let go.
Q-Heartbreak sucks.
S-fuck yes.
P-Jackson, is that alcohol?!
Jk-yeah it is. So what?
P-We could get in trouble.
S-Jackson, please put that away. I don't need anymore trouble.
Jackson rolls his eyes and puts the flask away. You were eating then all of sudden, there were cold liquid pouring down your back in ~your~ hoodie.
You whip around to see Mattia smirking with a milkshake in his hand.
S-what the hell?!
M-That's what you get for telling my secret.
J-What are you talking about?!
He stands up, defending you.
J-She didn't tell anyone your 'secret' Chase did. Chase was sneaking around and over heard you saying that you were gay. It was never her!
S-Fuck you Mattia.
You take off your hoodie and throws it to Jaden and you grab your backpack and grabs the butterfly chain that Mattia gave you

Flashback to the light out tour
M-Hey, I wanted to thank you for helping my brother with his makeup, I wanted to give you this.

Flashback to the light out tourM-Hey, I wanted to thank you for helping my brother with his makeup, I wanted to give you this

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S-Mattia! Oh my god! You shouldn't have!
S-Thank you.
End of flashback
S-Choke on this.
You throw the chain to Mattia and stormed out of the door. You ran all the way home to the hype house and you went up to Charli's room and flopped on the bed.
C-What's wrong?!
S-I hate Mattia!
C-Tell me girl.
You explain everything that went down at lunch. Now tears was running down your face and Charli was hugging you.
S-I'm so tired of this pain. I want it to go away.
C-I know, girl. It sucks.
You slowly fall asleep in her arms.

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