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You wake up in bed with Charli.
C-Good morning sleepy head!
She was doing her makeup.
C-Clothes is over there if you wanna.
You nod and take out your contacts, you accidentally slept in them.

(Without the necklace)

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(Without the necklace)

S-Thank you.
C-No problem.
You walk downstairs with Charli and you accidentally dropped a glass and you started to clean up.
Ch-Woah, be careful, don't wanna cut yourself again!
He says, laughing.
Jh-That's not funny at all!
J-What the hell dude!
Ch-What? It's so stupid! Why are you defending her? She has a boyfriend! Oh wait, he's too tiny to fight, little kairi is too scared!
You heard Kairi's name come out of Chase's filthy mouth and you stood up and grabbed a empty vodka glass bottle and smashed it and you grabbed Chase and pinned him down on the wall and held the sharp shards up to his neck.
S-Say my boyfriend's name one more time and you're not gonna talk ever again.
You say, glaring at him.
Th-Guys we should stop her!
J-We can't! When she's mad, there's nothing to calm her down.
C-Sawyer, please calm down.
You threw the rest of the bottle at the wall
S-I have fucking stitches in my head because my best friend shoved me to a damn wall! Chase broke your heart 3 three times and smacked both of us! He hurted everyone and YOU EXPECT ME TO CALM THE FUCK DOWN?!
You shout at Charli. She was on the verge of tears. Your eyes started to spill tears
S-don't tell me to calm down....
You say upset. You walk past her and walk up to Jaden's room and just sat there. After 15 minutes of collecting yourself, you walked out of the door but overheard Chase again.
Ch-She just blew up at Charli.
Am-Perfect, my plan is falling perfectly in place.
You shouted out
S-I knew it!
Ambree hangs up immediately.
S-You told Mattia's secret!
Th-What's going on?
C-Oh my god, you're so over dramatic! Chase did nothing!
S-What- I heard him! He was on the phone with my sister, and he exposed Mattia's secret! That's how I got hurt!
Then Ambree runs in.
S-Are you fucking kidding me?! This bitch again?
Am-Our plan were doing so well but you had to ruin everything!
She whines.
S-Bitch?! I ruined it?! I saved my own life!
Am-You have everything! You have a cute boyfriend, fame, and hot guy friends!
S-You're pretty much calling me nice names!
You hear the sirens wail.
S-Bye bye! Time for the po-po!
You smile. The police runs in and takes them away. You look up at the group.
S-Charli. I'm so sorry if I blew up at you. Can you forgive me?
C-If you can forgive me?
S-Of course. 
You hug Charli.
S-Sorry about that. My life is fucked up.
You sat down again. Everyone came in and played it off casually.
J-I probably sound like an awful friend should break up with Kairi....
S-Wait what?!
Jh-He is not trying to infer with your relationship but ever since you got together with Kairi, your life has been so fucked up and it's not a good thing for your mental health.
You became quiet because you knew he was right.
S-You're right, but I don't want to break Kairi's  heart.
J-It's all up to you. You can break up with him if you wanna but I shouldn't said anything.
S-I should think about it. I'm exuasted. I want to go to sleep.
You walked upstairs and fell asleep.

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