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You still live in New Jersey. It all sounds like it's in la but it's in New Jersey.

You wake up to a baby crying so you looked over at the alarm clock and it was about 9:30 am so you walked over Colton's crib and picked him up and dressed him up in

You wake up to a baby crying so you looked over at the alarm clock and it was about 9:30 am so you walked over Colton's crib and picked him up and dressed him up in

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And walked downstairs. You see Kairi on the phone, looking really stressed.

Kai-why would you pop on this last minute on me? Mom you know I hate that. I can't leave my friends behind! Me and Sawyer is finally getting a good bond!

S-what's going on?
Kai-my mom decided to move. I have to move to LA.

He says, still on the phone.

Kai-for her stupid work.
S-You're going.
S-she supported you your whole life and you can't support her?
Kai- I don't want to leave you!
S-It doesn't matter! That means you can get really famous, you can meet more celebrities! Plus we're not even together anymore! You're the one who broke my heart. I have Charli and Colton. Go.

Kairi tells her okay.

Kai-I have to leave tonight.
Mat-What do you mean, bro?
Ale-Yeah whats going on?

Kairi explains everything to the boys and they hug him and he says goodbye to everyone

Kai-I have to go. I have to meet my mom at the airport. I'll see you again, Sawyer.
S-You too, man.

you see him walk out of the door like everything was nothing. we all go back home and i go upstairs to my room with charli and just play with prince and colton

fast forward three years.

s-come on colton! let's go! we can't be late to daycare!
col-coming, sawyer!

colton is now four and sawyer is 20.

col-ready! bye aunt charli!
s-thank you so much char.

sawyer broke up with charli because they wanted to be back to best friends, it was only 2 or three months of dating but it went well.

c-no problem! go! you can't be late!
s-i know! i hate my boss.

sawyer lifts colton up and hops in the jeep.
colton sits in the back and sawyer drives to the daycare and kiss her little brother on the head and waves him goodbye.

you jump in the jeep and hit the gas to the diner where you worked at. it was pretty fancy but it was 90's.

you ran in and clocked in.

'your uniform is in the back!'


my co-worker told me. my uniform was this

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