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You wake up in Kairi's arms. You gently slide out of his arms and you get up and change into a baby blue croptop with black denim shorts. Kairi woke up and saw you getting ready
S-Good morning babe.
Mattia and Ale was downstairs and you kissed him.
S-I'm out with Layla all day so I might can't see you today.
Kai-awe. Well give me a kiss first.
You chuckle and kiss him. You wave him goodbye and you start walking home. You get to the house. Layla says hi and you jump in the car with her. You go to dunkin and you decide to go in. You see Charli and a girl next to her that looks like her.
Charli hugs you
C-This was the girl I was telling you about, Dixie! Sawyer, this is my older sister, Dixie.
D-oh! Thank you so much.
S-No problem!
D-How's your face? I heard that Chase hurt you
S-I'm perfectly fine. Believe me.
D-I'm really sorry but we have to go.
C-awe okay. Bye Sawyer!
You smile. Layla already ordered and you grab your drink and donut. You inhale the donut and you drink the iced coffee. You got to the mall and you walked around. You hear running behind you.
Jh-Hey, Sawyer!
S-Oh hey, Josh.
Jh-I just saw you and I wanted to introduce you to my buddy, Jaden.
You look over to see a black haired guy and he was wearing a tank top, he had awesome tattoos. You grab his arm
S-Sick tattoos!
J-Thanks! See, Bryce! They're awesome,
jack ass.
S-What?! Train tracks over there said bad things about your tattoos?! He's blind.
The group burst out to laughing
B-Why do I get called Train tracks?!
Jh-Because you put like 19 slits in your
Lay-Hey sweetie, you seem to be hitting it off with the boys, I'm gonna go and leave you. Call me if you need anything.
S-Okay, bye mom.
Layla leaves.
Jh-Wanna hang with us?
You walk around the mall and you made some tiktoks with the boys. You had a small account with like 10 k followers.
B-What's your tag?
S-my name. @sawyer.
He tags you. After 15 minutes, your phone is blowing up with follows. Under a hour, you get 900 k.
S-Jesus. thank, guys.
Jh-Yo your boyfriend just commented on my page
Josh shows you his phone
That's my girl, yo.
You chuckle.
S-I'll call him.
You FaceTime him and his face shows up on the screen. His face was kind of serious
S-Babe, what's wrong?
You sit down at the food court.
Jh-Wanna in n out?
Josh asks and you nod.
Kai-You told me that you were with your mom all day. And I see you with the boys.
S-Babe, I was with my mom but I bumped to the boys and my mom wanted to leave me with the boys because we were hitting it off! You are and always my baby boy. I'll never cheat on you.
Then Kairi's goofy smiles comes back
Kai-Okay. Bye babe, I'll see you later.
You hang up
B-Baby boy? Vomit.
S-You will catch these hands, train tracks.
B-Oh come on! Whatever, I need to go to the bathroom.
Bryce leaves and left his phone open. You grab it and picture yourself and post on his snap story saying
"don't leave your phone open, train tracks☺️"
You put it back onto the table and Josh comes to the table. You grab your food and Josh goes on his phone and suddenly starts giggling. He shows you your picture on Bryce's snap story.
S-Yep that's me!
You guys start eating and Bryce comes back to the table and looks at his phone. He shows you his phone
B-You will be the death of me.
S-you know you love me!
You laugh.
Jh-Wanna come back to the sway? To meet some of the boys?
You all jump in the car and Josh drives to the sway house. It's a fucking mansion.
S-Bitch this ain't the sway house. This is a mother-fucking mansion.
You walk up to the front and Josh opens the door to reveal a lot of boys.
J-Hey fuck tards
?-Ouuu a girl!
He runs over and clears his throat
?-Whats popping, baby girl?
S-Not interested, baby girl.
You look at him.
B-C'mon Tayler. She has a boyfriend
S-And I think you know him, Kairi.
T-Oh yeahhhh, we good bros.
S-Well if you guys are 'good bros' Should you've known that I'm his girlfriend?
T-Good point.
He walks away and a freckled guy comes up to you
Q-I'm Quinton.
You shake his hand. He was a nice guy.
B-And that's Griffin and Kio.
Kio smiles shyly and you smile back.
G-Hey I'm Griffin.
S-I'm Sawyer.
J-Since you met those fucktards. I'm gonna get another tattoo.
S-Can I come?! Pleaseeeeee!
You beg.
J-Sure let's go! Wait, are you 17 right?
S-Yeah. Is that okay?
J-Oh no it's fine. I know a guy and he's cool.
You squeal and jump in Jaden's Jeep and he drives to a place. Bryce pulls out a camera and starts rolling
B-Hey guys it's Bryce! This is Sawyer Travis!
You wave to the camera. You were on your phone and chose few tattoos to do.
S-Wait can I pay? You bought me food and the tattoo now
J-Hey. No it's fine. You're my friend now and it's my treat!
You whine a little. You arrive and you walk in the shop. Jaden goes first and get vines around his forearms with butterflies around it. He finishes and he asks you. You show the picture to him
A hour passes of tattooing three tattoos on your body.
J-Thanks bro.
You get in the car. The tattoos was this

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