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So I decided to update since CursedByLeah said that i haven't 'updated in ages' which I only published three days ago. I started school like on Tuesday so my updating might be slow as fook.


You woke up, no Kairi in bed. You changed to a black tank top with shorts. It exposed your still redden scalded spot on your thighs a bit. You walked downstairs to see Mrs.Consentino and Gio awake.
S-Good morning.
Gio-Ah! You're here! Please, sit. Kairi's gone for a run.
S-Oh wow. He never moves his butt back in New Jersey.
Gio cracks a chuckle. You sip the Italian iced coffee that the maids had made for you.
S-Mhm! This coffee is amazing!
Gio-It was my father's secret recipe. The last thing he gave me before he died.
S-I'm sorry for your loss.
Gio-He was old! It was his time to go.
He smiles lightly. Mrs.Consentino was kept quiet while you and Gio chatted.
S-How's your day going, Mrs. Consentino?
S-I'm sorry if I wasn't the girl you were expecting. But I promise you, I love him with my whole heart. You guys have raised an amazing son and he helped me through absolutely everything. I have panic attacks and he's there to calm me down.
Mrs Cosentino's face softens.
S-Please, Mrs. Consentino-
Mar-Call me Maria. And you've proved that you love my son well. I like you. You're a tough girl.
You crack a smile. You stood up and started to clean the table until you hear Kairi come in all sweaty.
Kai-Good morning babe. Gimme me a kiss
S-No, you're sweaty!
Kairi started to run after you and you ran away. After five minutes of running, Kairi finally catches you and kisses you.
S-You reek!
Kairi giggles and goes up to shower.

Two weeks later because I wanna finish this so I can hang with my fam

S-Thank you so much guys!
You were at the airport, ready to go home. You said good bye to everyone and flew home. You finally got to the sway. You walked in.
S-Hey guys!
Everyone shouted and hugged you.
S-I am so full! Kairi'a mom kept feeding me!
Kai-She loves you!
You smile.
M-Yo, Sawyer. Wanna film a YouTube video with me?


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