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Mom-Hi, honey!
S-Don't ever call me that!
J-Hey, what's going on?
S-Nothing, Jaden. Leave me and my friends alone.
Mom-Really, honey? You're not gonna introduce your mom to this gentleman?
J-Woah that's your mom? I'm sorry I haven't properly introduced myself!
Your mom smiles
J-Sawyer is a wonderful woman and shame on you for hurting her
Kai-Babe, what's wrong? Sawyer get behind me.
You still stood your ground.
Mom-I wanted to tell you that I'm pregnant!
S-Oh what is it this time? Was it from a tinder date?
Your eyes were welling up. He was your nightmares.
M-Bro, get the fuck away from Sawyer!
Mattia shoves your dad. Big mistake. Your father swings and the guys jump in to fight. It was in an alley where your mom pulled you in.
You say trying to break apart the fight. You see your mom pull out a gun and aims it at Mattia. You push her and points the gun at her.
S-I'm not fucking scared to pull it!
Mom- Fine, do it!
You pull the trigger and the bullet goes into her stomach.
S-I told you I wasn't scared!
Everyone stops and stares at you.
S-Shut the fuck up!
You say pointing the gun at him.
Dad-Oh honey. Remember what I told you. Your finger is on the trigger but your trigger finger's mine, mija.
You cock it.
S-You don't want to try me. I can kill you both.
Dad-Do it honey.
You point the gun at your mother's head.
S-Any words?
Your father falls silent and you smirk. You pull the trigger again, this time, your mother's body falls dead. You point at him once again.
S-Goodbye dad. I've been waiting for this a long time.
You hear a loud bang as the gun vibrates in your hand and your father's body falls to the ground. You look up at the group and they are terrified.
S-We will never speak of this again.
You hop in the limo, leaving the two cold bodies alone. Everyone hops in, shocked.
S-I'm sorry guys. They had a damn gun and I didn't want anything to happen to you guys.
You say, breaking down in tears.
Kai-Look it's okay. We will never talk about this again.
You guys stood silent and you finally got to the house and you walked in the house and showered. You walked downstairs and sat down.
S-I'm kind of happy that they're gone. They hurt me a lot so it was time for them to go.
Everyone agrees and you guys watch movies.

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