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I am currently writing this in red led lights. LMAO
Oh and CursedByLeah since she really wanted a update
You wake up with the girls around you. You slowly get up and your stomach hurts like hell.
C-Baby, what's wrong?
She always treated you like a kid and called you nicknames like that, you didn't really mind.
S-my stomach.....
You stand up to the mirror and lift up your sweatshirt and there's a huge bruise forming around your stomach. You place a hand on your mouth and sob into it. You fall onto the ground.
S-I-I-I-I shouldn't went to that party!
You sob as you clench your stomach and your left hand on the floor on your knees.
S-it's all my fault!
C-it's not your fault-
S-Stop saying it's not my fault! I got drunk! I went to that damn fucking party! I'm only 16 and I murdered two people, got two anxiety attacks and tried to kill my fucked up self!
You snap at her.
S-I'm a fucked up girl. And you know it!
You say with tears streaming down yours and Charli's faces. You turn around to see all of the guys standing there, with your poor boyfriend in the front. You push past them but Jaden pulls you by your waist and you yell a little.
J-Woah, I didn't pull you that hard.
You look up at him and lift up your shirt a little and you saw Kairi's heart break in his eyes. You push it down and you grab your suitcase and ran for your life. You had your passport in your suitcase thankfully so you were gonna fly home. You got in the taxi and saw Kairi run out with tears. You felt so bad, all you just wanted to run out and hug the cuteness out of him. He was looking around like a lost puppy.
S-the airport please.
You say, hoarsely. It drives to the airport and you walk in and caught a flight back to New Jersey, where you lived.
Few hours passed
You were in front of your house, your sweatshirt covered in tears and your phone spammed with messages. You walk in and Layla looks up to see you
Lay-Honey! What are you doing, coming back home after a week?
S-Mom, Dad, please sit down.
They both sit down and you explain everything from the bus with Kairi to now.
Lay-Oh honey, I'm so sorry!
She says, nearly crying and hugs you. Your father was, yet, pissed.
Coach-Those friends of yours, they cause trouble!
He says, shaking his head.
S-Dad! It's probably because of the social media. I just need some time alone and time to be with my family!
Lay-Great! Supper's ready!
You smile and you see the dinner on the table.
Lay-Do you want me get you ice for your stomach?
S-No I'm fine mom. I promise, It was just an accident.....
You finish eating and you go up to your room. You check your messages
17 missed calls, 150 messages from
                           Lights out tour
That was the group chat for the whole gang. You sent one simple message
I'm sorry guys. Need a break.

And put away your phone and put it on your desk and go on your laptop and order a lot of clothes. You go on online and shout for your dad.
Dad-Yeah honey?
S-I'm choosing for a high school, what school should I sign in?
Dad-Uhm, definitely Passaic Valley, that's where your mom and I work at. It's a very good school.
Your mom was the English teacher.
S-Perfect! That means I can sign in the school soccer team!
Dad-It's co-team. Like boys and girls combined.
S-Perfect! I like a challenge!
You type in your name and sign in.
S-All done! Thanks dad.
Dad-No problem honey.
You close your laptop. You decide to go on your phone and you get spammed with messages. You left the group chat and logged out of your snap, insta but left TikTok open. You decide to text Kairi
Kairi, you know that I still love you with all of my heart, I know you never meant to hurt me but I was stressed and needed a break.....
Sawyer! I love you and i wish I never hurt you.
It's okay baby boy.

And left him on read. It was about 9:30 so you said good night to your parents and fell asleep.

And yes that is the new face claim

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And yes that is the new face claim. As I told you, I'm a complicated bitch. I felt like Madelyn matched Sawyer's personality and I imagined Sawyer being blond, ik her hair is brown now but whatever. She is 16 not 17 anymore hehe. I'm a complicated bitch I'm so sorry.

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