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New face claim

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Sawyer Travis played as Avani Greggs

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Sawyer Travis played as Avani Greggs

I know I already put her in the book but I'm a complicated bitch 😙✌️

You wake up to hear Kairi screaming and shouting for help. You grab your pepper spray and run downstairs to see Kairi being dragged by Mattia
S-Jesus, Kairi, I thought you were getting hurt!
Kai-I am getting hurt!
You roll your eyes and you walk away.
S-Kairi just gave me a fucking heart attack because I thought someone was hurting him.
Kai-I'm sorry baby.
S-just don't scare me again.
Kai-i won't.
You smile. You grab a glass and drops it immediately when you got the feeling of someone stabbing your stomach. You clench your stomach.
Kai-Babe?! Everyone get out please.
He says to everyone in the kitchen. They all hesitate then leaves.
S-I think I got my period. My cramps are literal hell.
Kai-Oh shit. Okay do you need anything? Want me to get Addison?
S-no please, I just need pads and birth control.
Kai-Got it.
Jaden walks in the kitchen and sees you on the floor curled up. He picks you up and brings you to the living room and you get a blanket across you and you groan quietly.
Ad-Sawyer...do you have your period?
S-Yeah, my cramps are hell.
Ad-okay, you need to be in bed. Jaden, mind taking her to her bed?
Jaden nods and brings you up to your room.
S-Thank you, Hossler. Mind getting the whole gang here? I need a laugh
Jaden nods and grabs the group and they talk you, making you laugh lightly. Kairi comes home with two bags.
Kai-Hey babygirl.
Jaden leaves your side for Kairi to sit on.
Kai-I got a heating pad, birth control, pads, Advil just in case and your favourite, chocolate and ice cream. Oh and I got you dunkins!
He hands you a iced coffee and a donut. You start crying.
S-You are really the best boyfriend.
You hug him and he hugs back.
S-My stupid hormones are having major mood swings.
Kai-Okay, can everyone leave, my babygirl needs her rest.
Jaden chuckles
Jh-You are really lucky, Sawyer.
You smile. They all leave and you get up to put on your pad. Kairi walks in the bathroom and gives you his sweats.
Kai-Put it on.
You smile and take off your leggings and put on the sweats. You sit in bed with Kairi, having the heating pad over your stomach but Kairi is rubbing your back and shoulders. You groan. You were really tense and Kairi's magic hands helped.
S-surprised that those hands can massage than in bed.
Kairi bursts out to laughing and you giggle slightly.
You lean back to your bed
S-Thank you for spoiling me.
Kai-no problem, señorita.
S-Señorita? I like it.
You take a selfie in the mirror and post it on snap

 You take a selfie in the mirror and post it on snap

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You sit back down and you cuddle up in his chest. He hands you the birth control and Advil to help your headaches and cramps. You gulp them down and you lie back in bed. Kairi gets up and you hear him turn on the bath. You smile a little.
He was really spoiling you.
Kai-Okay I set up a hot bubble bath for you.
You get up and see a tub full of bubbles and candles all around. You smile. You start taking off your clothes and hop in the bathtub. Kairi washes your hair like a little girl and you were falling asleep. You get up from the bathtub and you dry your body and you put on Kairi's sweats back on. You sit down and Kairi gives you the ice cream and you eat it. You are the chocolate and you have a piece and gave it to Kairi. Kairi looks down at you and smile. He eats the chocolate. You cuddle to him more tighter, when you were on your period, you were very needy and wants cuddles.
Kai-trying to kill me huh?
You say, dragging your hand across his face and a laugh escapes his lips. You kiss his pink plump lips and he kisses back.
Kai-you ready for school in a month and half?
S-oh god. I'm starting the second year of high school and the first year of high school was hell. With Ambree and everything and I was moving in Layla and Coach's that time and the drive from the house to the high school where I went was 45 minutes away and back.
Kai-Well you're going to high school with me!
Mattia runs in with Ale with McDonald's
You groan
Kai-What the hell dude? Do you ever know how to shut your dinosaur mouth?
M-Well this dinosaur mouth needs to eat.
He hands you your Big Mac and you take a big chomp as well with everyone.
S-thank you for taking care of me.
Kai-no problem.
You fell asleep because you were exhausted.

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