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we all chatted for hours until i said

s-i think i'm gonna go for a walk. get some fresh air.
kai-i'll come with you.
s-can someone please watch colton?
j-i'm about to go to bed. i'll watch him.
s-thank you.

you and kairi walked out of the house and started to walk down the road.

kai-it's been three years.
s-i know.
kai-sawyer, the reason why i decided to come out with you, to walk with you. is to tell you that i'm still in love with you.

you look up at him.

s-how long kairi?
kai-i realized it when we hugged. before i left. but i was too scared to say anything. sawyer, i'm so sorry but i'm still in love. i tried to push it down but it can't stop.

you smile and giggle. you lean up and his lips meets yours. he kisses back and lifts you up and twirls you around.

kai-i missed this. and it's almost our 'five year' anniversary.
s-damn. well let's start it all over again.
kai-okay. i'll wait for you forever.

you smiled and danced in the street with kairi.

you were finally gone from your abusive parents, according since you killed them. you were gone from your mental hospital experience. you weren't gonna be hurt anymore. anything wasn't gonna get in between anymore. we were 17 and immature but now we're almost 20 and ready to actually live on.

kai-what are you thinking about?
s-thinking how much we went through. i haven't touched my instagram in years. since i got colton back in my arms. we should update again.

kai-i haven't touched mine since you left for your mental hospital.

s-let's do it.

you pulled out your phone and balanced it on a tree and put a timer and you kissed him and it clicked

you go on insta and post it

you go on insta and post it

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hey people! i haven't touched this in three years but i wanted to say, i'm twenty now and back with kairi. i promise, i am not going to fuck this up again. i love you all.

kairi posted this

back with my baby @sawyertravis

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back with my baby @sawyertravis

you started to walk back home and you walked in

ad-i just saw the posts! i'm so excited for you both! get married already!
j-i'm happy for you both!

you smile and thank them. you both go upstairs to kairi's room and fall asleep there.

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