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Fast forward Saturday
This week has been amazing for you. You did so many things but you could relax!
Kai-Happy two months!
S-thank you baby.
He gives you peppermint tea
Kai-So I was thinking, the fair, then the arcades then a restaurant then we can give each gifts?
S-That sounds amazing.
You smile. You sip the peppermint tea.
Kai-But first, brunch! Get dressed!
S-Okay okayyy!
You got up and changed to a red croptop and black velvet pants.
S-Ready to go!
You walk downstairs
C-Happy two months!
S-Thank you!
C-You guys are so cute!
Kai-I'm sorry but I have to go! I'll be back in a hour!
S-Oh okay. Bye! Love you!
Kai-Love you too babe!
S-ugh, I love Kairi so fucking much

Kairi's POV
I speed drive to Madi's house. I knock hard on her door
Kai-I'm sorry!
Madi-Are you ready?
She says as she pulls me in and puts her hair up
I smile and go in the room.

Sawyer's POV
S-I've been waiting for a while, I wonder where is he!
C-Don't worry girl. He's probably planning a suprise for you!
You smile
Ad-Wanna make a TikTok?
You dance to 'money tree'

Kairi's POV
I was in the shower because she made such a mess. Okay we were fooling around for a while but Sawyer's probably waiting. I hop out and change back to my clothes, black button up with black jeans and she kissed my cheek and left out the door.

Sawyer's POV
Kairi finally comes home.
Kai-Sorry babe. Ready to go?
You and Kairi hops in the car and drives to
I-hop. You walk in and smell the amazing pancakes. 
You order the chocolate drizzled pancakes with whip cream on top and Kairi had the same. 
You ate it all and you left for the fair. You walked in and got bracelets and walked around.

Fast forward to that night (I'm sorry I really wanted to update more often for you but I'm not feeling too well)

Kai-Wanna go to that picnic now?
You really loved him, hope he never breaks your heart.

It was dark out now. He led you to an oak tree with a picnic blanket with candles all around.
S-Kairi! Oh my god!
Kai-Come and sit!
You sat down next to him.
Kai-So I went over to Madi's and she helped me to make the cake! Let me get it!

Kairi's POV
She put her hair up and pulls me in the room. The kitchen. I smiled because I was excited because I didn't know how to make a cake.

I hopped in the shower because we threw flour at each other, okay we might be fooling around during baking. I ran out of the shower and put on my clothes and kissed her on the cheek because that's what Italian family do! Oh wait, I didn't tell you? She's my cousin!

Sawyer's POV
Kairi brought out a small cake and you smiled.

Kai-Happy two months, babe.
You took a bite
S-Holy fuck, this is really good.
Kai-She had to help me with the cake! I can't cook a cake for life. It was either this or ramen.
You giggled and texted Madi 'thank you!'
Madi texted back 'no problem! He loves you very much'
Kai-She's my cousin.
S-Oh that's so cool!
You finish the night and you cleaned up. You drove home and saw nobody was home.
S-Well, nobody's home.
You say, smirking.
Kai-Go upstairs, get undressed. You have 60 seconds.
You giggle and run upstairs. You took off my top and pants, You looked at my phone time, 45 seconds. You took off your underwear and bra and fixed my hair a little. 20 seconds left and You run to your bathroom and put some of his favourite perfume on, vanilla with a hint of lavender. 10 seconds left! I run to the bed with 5 seconds to spare. I heard Kairi's footsteps come up to the stairs and the door opened.
He says as he looks at you hungrily and unbuckling his belt. He finally takes his shirt off and pants off and pushes you down on the bed. He presses his lips on yours.
Kai-I'm gonna try something new? Is that alright?
S-sure, Kai.
Kairi wraps his fingers around your neck and presses his knee against your heat.
Kai-wanna repeat that again?
He says, firmly.
S-no daddy.
He grabs his belt and makes it to handcuffs.

Kairi's pov
Kai-all fours now.
Sawyer turns around and I wrap the belt hand cuffs around her wrists and pull it tightly. I pull her hips closer to my hard dick. She arches her back to a dangerously arch. Damn, I didn't know my girl was builded like that. I take off my boxers and put on the condom. I slowly slide myself to her wet pussy and she moans. I thrust few strokes
S-dad-dy! go-faster!
She moans out and I go rapidly fast. Her toes and her hands curl, begging to grab on something. I slide out and take off the belt and turn her around, I put her legs on my shoulders and slide my self in again. She moans and grabs the bedsheets so hard that her knuckles turned white. I throw my head back while I cum.
S-can't even last 20 minutes.
Kai-i-it was 1-17 minutes, babe!
I plop next to her as my dick throbs to how sensitive I was. I look over to my girlfriend, her chest was falling up and down and was about to pass out. I smiled to myself and got up and put on some clothes on her and put on my boxers and fell asleep next ti her.

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