Frosty Morning

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I fluttered my eyes open to a cold morning breeze flew into my face. I made a annoyed moan and turned over too see my husband with his messy golden locks all messed up. And his muscler body and and his arm around me.

I smiled at his snores and face. I lent down and kissed his nose, merlin I love him. We've been married for 2 years now and Ive been think of asking for a child because I've always wanted children but draco I have no idea we've never really brought up the idea of kids.

Draco start to awake, and started to mumble and cuddled closer towards me and and snuggled his face into my raven nest and sighed happily.
"bubba?" I said softly
"mhm" Draco responded
I smiled and kissed his pale, scared chest. "come on bubba we need to get up and be useful around the house"
"hmph no...." he grunted in his morning voice which always turned me on.
"well"... I started to get up "I'm going to be productive and clean the house and take the dogs for a w-" before I could finish my sentence his firm arm wrapped around me and grunted in his low husky voice and said "no" really firmly which made me blush. No I'm more dominant and stronger than him Im the boy who lived!! I moved his arm off me and walked away to go feed my baby's (his dogs 😂🐶)

A few minutes later whole feeds the dogs and starting to make breakfast when I heard draco coming down the stairs. I didn't look at him as I was (trying) to be more dominant than him. I heard him growl and I got kinda scared but tried to push it away until I felt draco front on my back and his arms wrapped around me and head in my shoulder. Mind you I'm wearing really short shorts and one of dracos t-shirts which was really big on my (of course).

Don't pay attention harry dominance i thought and took a deep breath and continued making waffles. Draco was getting annoyed at me because he started to make noises so I can pay attention to him. Then I felt teeth on my neck right on my sweet spot and tried to cover up my moan and gasp. And still didn't pay attention to him. Then he let go and walked away with the dogs following him.

I felt kinda bad for my bubby so I gave up on my plan and walked into the living room to see draco lying on the sofa with his face in a pillow and a fluffy white dog laying next him. I smiled to myself and walked over to him and sat on his back. He rolled over with a sour face. "hi" I said cheerfully, he grunted at me. I giggled and kissed his nose which made his pale cheek go a pale pink. And he grabbed me down and held me tightly to him and he whispered

"don't leave me alone on a Frosty Morning malfoy"

Ahhh Harry malfoy or Harry Potter-Malfoy?
Personally I think Harry malfoy has a better ring to it but hey that's just me
Anyway I hope you enjoyed this little story and have a lovely day or night bye hoes 👋❤️


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