My vicious But Soft Vampire

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"bite me!"



"For the last time NO"

"bite me you pussy"

"right babe no, that's final"

"DRACONIS LUCIUS ALEXANDER MALFOY YOU BITE ME RIGHT NOW!" Harry screamed at his very hungry vampire.

"Harry no....." Draco looked away from the boy.

"draconis you bite my neck right now" Harry was worried and annoyed at the same time. His boyfriend needed Harry's blood before the sun rises, if not he would Die a painful death.

They both have been together since  fourth year. And as draco turned 15 he needed his lovers blood. Draco has only done it once and it left a light scar on his neck.

He never wanted to bite harry again because he knew how much harry hated his scars and how they made him feel insecure.

"HARRY NO NO NO IM NOT BITTING YOU END OF, I'LL DIE" Draco shouted and stormed to his room locking it behind him.

"DRACONIS!!!" Harry banged his hand on the door. He tried to unlock it with alohomora, harry figured he put a powerful charm on this.

Harry saw the sun rising.

Now he was fully crying and panicking.

"DRACO DRACO OPEN THE DOOR PLEASE!!!" Harry cried hitting the door.

Harry wasnt in his right mind he set a light on the door with the most powerfulest fire spell he could do and he managed to get the door open.

With a swish of his wrist the fire had stop and the small raven ran to his knees. Holding his loves head in his arms.

"Draco.... You need to bite me..." Harry whimpered.

"I.... Don't want to...." Draco let out a shaky breath.

"am I not good enough?" more tears started to fall down his wet, soft, tanned cheek.

"No my love your more than enough.... I.... I just don't want to be the cause of your insecurities..."

Harry chuckled lightly

"my love.... That scar you left on my neck made me feel marked by you and always will be.... Like I'm yours forever"

Dracos heart was about to burst.

"..... Bite me...."

Draco sat up and lent into to Harry's soft skin. Harry breathed softly. Draco kissed his neck and licked were his was going to bite.

Harry squeeze draco hands in nervousness. Draco looked as Harry scrunched up face.

Draco smiled at how cute he was

"I'm.. Gonna bite now....." Draco whispered in his ear.

Harry wrapped his arms around dracos neck pulling his head in the crook of his neck. As a sign he was ready.

Dracos front teeth slowly changed into fangs.

His point, pearl white fangs sunked into Harry's soft fare skin.

Harry whimpered and moaned at the same time. Harry kinda had a pain kink so it felt nice but stung mostly.

Draco moaned at the taste of harry, he was so sweet.

Draco sucked at it getting the  amount of blood he was satisfied with.

The blonde felt tears going through his school shirt. He looked up to see harry crying.

Draco tried to make harry feel better by sliding his hand harry big, loose, weasely jumper. And caressing his skinny but delicate skin.

Harry let out a soft moan, raising his hands into dracos hair.

After draco was satisfied, he pulled away admiring harry flushed chubby face.

Draco smiled softly and kissed his button nose then down his neck reaching his fresh bite mark. And kissed it and licked it to make it less sore.

"you feel better now dragon?" Harry asked. Draco raised his head coming face to face with Harry.

Harry was wiping his eyes with is over sized sleeve.

"hmh" Draco replyed. He started at Harry's rose lips.

Draco didn't hesitate, he pulled harry into his lap and kissed him.

It was a gentle, soft and passionate kiss.

They pulled apart with a soft smile greeting both boys.

The sun as fully rose and the smell of winter filled the room. But harry wasn't happy with that he reach for his wand and flicked his wrist and the curtain shut.

"i demand cuddles draconis" Harry gave draco his cute mad look.

Draco chuckled and picked him up and placed him into the slik sheets.

Draco went to the bathroom to change out of his bloodstained dress shirt. And got changed into baggy grey jogging bottoms, and no shirt.

When he opened the bathroom door he saw harry in his quidditch jersey. It was too big for harry which made draco smile wider.

The shirt hung of Harry's shoulder and ended at his middle upper thigh.

"awhh you look to cute" Draco cooded and kissed harry cheek.

And then harry being the tsunder he is blushed then scrunched his face and turned away from his idoit boyfriend.

"OK ok ill stoppp~" Draco laughed as he watched Harry get into bed.

When draco got in harry immediately wrapped his legs and arms around draco.

Harry snuggle into draco. Sinking into his warmth.

"night night vampbitch" Harry mumbled.

"night love" Draco chuckled.

They both fell asleep in each other company.


It was a bit short but meh.....

And rease in peace to Helen Mccrory.

She was one of my favourite actress.

She will be dearly missed

Wands up for Helen /*

♡︎☾︎ 𝙳𝚛𝚊𝚛𝚛𝚢 𝙾𝚗𝚎-𝚂𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜 ☽︎♡︎ {𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐞}Where stories live. Discover now