Little things pt3

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Most of theses are from Instagram
Harry: you can't spell disappointment with out 'me'
Draco: Harry we've talked about this-
Draco: why did the chicken cross the road?
Harry: to get away from you?
Harry: what? Your mean sometimes
Harry: day 765 of trying to make Draco love me
Harry: are you a bee, because you make my arse sting
Draco:*walks away*
Harry: ☹️
Harry: well maybe I don't need your cuddles!
Draco: mk then *walks away*
Harry: wait! WAIT I SAID MAYBE!!!
Ron: *reading a card of a game* ok so name something you might hurt yourself riding on
Pansy: A horse
Blaise: a rollercoaster I guess
Hermione: uhm....a donkey?
Harry: Dra-
Ron: don't you fucking dare Harry
House seller: so here is the house, what do you think?
Harry: *walks in the cupboard*
Harry: wow there so much more room in here then my last cupboard, I can so see myself sleeping here!
House seller: um is he ok?
Draco: I would say yes but then we both know that's a lie
Draco: mother said I was a very possessive child but I've grown out of that
Harry: can you let Blaise go then?
Draco: *holds Blaise in a choke hold* but he called you pretty no one calls you pretty but me!
Draco: I can't believe potter
Pansy: what did he do now?
Draco: he made
Pansy: potter made you feel emotion?
Draco: YEA!
Pansy: what a bitch
Pansy: what do you look for in a man Draco?
Draco: mhm I not really sure..uhhh cute,strong
Harry: lucky for you Malfoy I'm a pretty strong guy
Draco: for 30 minutes you struggled to open a jar then you ran off crying for Weasley
Harry: I have a strong heart?
Draco: you cried over a jar
Harry: you know what fuck you at least I'm cute
Draco: fuck you,pottah
Harry: you wish!
Draco: I do very much
Ron: bloody fucking hell
Harry: can you hold this?
Draco: that's your thighs?
Harry: your point being?
Harry: omg I'm bi!
Pansy: see I told you
Hermione : congrats Harry!
Harry: Bimyself
If Draco and Harry had a fight
Pansy: so your gonna make up to him?
Draco: yeah,make up make out I MEAN-
Blaise: can you stop being horny for once?
Draco: I can't dude,it's my last name after malfoy
Harry: what do you call a fish with no eyes?
Draco: Myxine circifrons
Harry: Fsh

Okiiiii I've done 🥲😀 bye bitch x

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