Makeout Session| Blairon

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It was you typical normal Tuesday at hogwarts, it was the first day of winter and as its a castle it was freezing cold.

But two boys were warming themselves in a broom closet. It was ron and blaise having them selfs a very heated makeout. Know one knew about them yet, Ron says he just wants to enjoy their relationship for the both of them. Blaise was happy about respected Rons choice. But deep down he wanted to come out to everyone.

He wanted to have double or triple dates with draco, Harry, hermione and pansy. They were all out of closet and happy. But blaise wasn't think about that he was think out the person who was straddling his hips.

Blaises long fingers pulled at his ginger locks, realising a moan from Ron.

Blaise took the opportunity to stick his tounge in Rons mouth as he opened it to let out a shaky moan.

"b-blaise-.... Ehu" Ron said trying to form his words, blaise heard him and stopped wondering if Ron was getting uncomfortable.

"oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to do that with out your consent, I'm sorry I'm sorry I didn't mean to" blaise spike quickly and began to panic.

"no no honey I'm fine" Ron giggled and soothed blaise cheeks with his thumb.

"I was actually gonna say.... If we could....uhm... G-go a-all the way?" Ron started to sweat already and figet with his fingers. Blaise smirked and grabbed his arse and pushed him down to the floor.

Ron seemed shocked and aroused by Blaises dominance. Blaise connected their lips again and started to snog Ron to death. His fingers started to unfly his zipple and unbutton his trousers, so he could get to the package the was waiting to be opened.

Meanwhile about 21 minutes later draco and Harry were walking down the same corridor that the broom closet was. They were giggling and laughing with each other until harry potter's best friends moans cut off their laughter.

"b-blaise ahhh-fuck-harder please ah.... Fuck"

"hmph... Fuck... You feel so good"

Draco and Harry just stood in shock and stared wide eyed at the door.

"we really should tell them about the silencing charn- oh and as there newbies to like sex and relationships we should teach them about the stuff you like such as-" Draco was cut off by harry lunching his arm.

"shut up it daddy's boy"

"heyyy that's what I say to you!!!" Draco said a bit to loud, earning him another punch and a ear pull towards there room.

Another 15 minutes later.

Ron and blaise were tired after two rounds. Ron was practically out cool and Blaises hips were slightly bruised by thrusting into Ron just a little but too hard.

How did it go to a makeout session to this?


Okiii that's all for today- I think anyway.

Hope you've enjoyed but bye for now bitches.

BTW the song above is draco to harry becuase why not ya know

♡︎☾︎ 𝙳𝚛𝚊𝚛𝚛𝚢 𝙾𝚗𝚎-𝚂𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜 ☽︎♡︎ {𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐞}Where stories live. Discover now