A Dragon Can Kill A Deer

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Everyone was outside practicing there patronus charm. Everyone  manged to do it but 4 of them

Theodore Nott.....

Pansy Parkison.....

Blaise Zabini....

And Lastly Draco Malfoy....

They tried but failed unfortunately. Everyone well by everyone I mean all the griffindors and hufflepuff were laughing at them.

The ravenclaws and slytherins felt bad for them and some went over to see if they could help them.

The only griffindors who wasn't laughing was harry, hermione, nevile and a boy name Lewis.

Harry made a sad frown out draco who seemed to be upset and embarrassed.

Everyone walked back to class as it started to rain. Harry looked behind him and saw draco looking ashamed and stood there looking at his wand.

Harry split from the group and walked up to draco.

"m-malfoy?" he asked sweetly. Draco raised his head with drops water dripping of his hair.

"what do you want potter" he growled (haha... He went rAwR)

Harry blushed at how draco growled at him.

"do you want... Help?" Harry smiled.

Draco was hesitant but nodded.

For a week draco and Harry had private lesson everyday after there classes for the day.

"UGH WE'VE BEEN AT THIS FOR A WEEK POTTER IT'S USELESS" Draco shouted and threw his wand.

Harry frowned.

"do you.... Um.... H-have any hap-happy memories?" Harry said with a conserned face.

"...... N... No not really...." Draco turned  away.

Harry sighed nd grabbed dracos hips and pulled him into a kiss.

Draco was shocked and kissed back.

Harry pulled away and blushed.

"n-now try... It" Harry blushed holding his lips.

Draco smirked and grabbed his wand and pointed it towards the opening forest clearing.

"Expecto patronum!" Draco a little louder than his normal voice.

His wand glowed light blue and it shot out and a massive dragon flew out and flew around Harry and draco and flying through the trees.

Draco smiled and Harry smiled and jumping up and down.

"YAYYYY well done draco!!" Harry ran up to him and pulled him my his hips.

Draco noticed that harry was try to be dominat toward draco.

He wasn't having it.

"oh my darling Harry....." Draco said huskliy and removed Harry's hand and wrapped harry hands behind his back.

Harry went red and gulped.

Draco grabbed Harry's behind thighed and picked him up and held him to dracos chest.

"uffghh" Harry made a cute little noise and hide his face in the crooke of draco neck.

"oh my dear potter a dragon can eat a deer whole" Draco smirked.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

(☞ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)☞

♡︎☾︎ 𝙳𝚛𝚊𝚛𝚛𝚢 𝙾𝚗𝚎-𝚂𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜 ☽︎♡︎ {𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐞}Where stories live. Discover now