My Tik Tok Baby

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Another shit day of life (mood tbh)
Blaise and pansy were probably having sex ad he heard the bed move from the his private dorm(the Slytherins all have there own room not shared) thats when draco left straight away.

It was raining as it does in Scotland. It was chucking it down so much that the professors said we had to stay inside.

It was annoying as I need a specific flower for my potions homework.

I was looking through my notes to see if I missed anything because I normally do. I heard strange noise coming from the wall I was passing.

I was confused at first but ignored it. But then I heard laughing and singing. I was more curious to who it was.... I mean the laugh sound familiar I just could but my finger on it.

I figured out that it was the room of requirements so I knew how to get in. I walked down the hall which was strange I've never seen a hall in here but I didn't put my attention towards that.

I decided to take my shoes off as they were making alot of noise and I didn't want to scare this person.

I got to the room part and I turned pink like a raspberry. It was potter....

"yi yi yi!!" the song started and potter began to sing to it. Then he started to do some werid moves.

Fist of all when the song started he put his hand beside his hand like he was making a silly face towards a baby. He hips swaged with with hand movement.

Then he jumped hitting his arms onto his thighs making a nice slap noise. Then it jumped back down like you would when you touch you toes.

Then, he moved his bent arms. They swaged the right over his head then the same with the left.

He hit his elbow on his thigh that he willinly lifted his leg up to hit it.

These were some strange dancing. Then I went red when he started to shake his arse at me. Omg how as he got a fatter arse than most of the girls here. Or anyone really.

I felt my trousers get tight, it didn't help as he was wearing booty shorts and a tied griffindor Jersey shirt.

I slid down agasint the pillar and hid behind it. My trousers were etting tighter. I felt like I was gonna get caught, but I needed to.

I whispered a invisiblabitly charm over myself so can watch this whore shake his arse at me while I jack off.

I undid my trousers so I could easily see is very VERY visable hard-on. I pull my pants down, letting out this throbbing cock begging to be touch.

I look at harry again he was doing a dance which was why inappropriate for him I say. But so sexy to watch. I started to jerk off to his wonderful features.

A few minutes passed and I've done my 'business'. Harry was all sweaty and panting. He had a whole workout.

He started to back up his back when I undone the charm to reveal my self. Still my trousers were open and my underwear handing.

"hey fat arse~" I cat called Harry.

He spun his head round as fast as I've ever seen him before.

"m-m-malfoy..." he went so red it was hard to remember there own skin colour.

I walked up to him belt in hand. He whimpered but walked closer as well.

I was close to him, it made me fill so open about everything.

I lift him on the desk he was using for his bag. I pinned hands above his head.

I placed soft warm kisses on his neck leaving soft, blushy hickeys.

"now show me show dance moves potter" I wrapped my hand around his neck.



✨🎶Tik Tok Baby🎶✨.

..... Back to school for anyone weeks..... Lost of tests next week.

♡︎☾︎ 𝙳𝚛𝚊𝚛𝚛𝚢 𝙾𝚗𝚎-𝚂𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜 ☽︎♡︎ {𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐞}Where stories live. Discover now