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Harry love to dance (that yi yi yi tik tok songs 🤪) he's always loved to watch it when was younger. Sometimes when his uncle and cousin were out his Aunt taught him how to dance in the garden. His Aunt always tried to make her Nephews childhood the best she could, but as her husband and son are fucking arseholes made it harder for her.

Mconagall had walked in on Harry dancing and gave him his own room so no one can see him practice.

It was a Saturday and draco was walking around hogwarts when he heard music. He wondered around trying to find the music. And he came upon a wall were the music was getting louder. He put his ear too the wall and he heard giggling and music.

He tried to figure out how to open the secret door. Then I pressed the middle of the stone lily on the pattern on the wall. And it opened.

Draco walked through the door and he was brought by a beautiful slim male dancing. When he released it was.... Harry Potter.

(art doesn't belong to me but these  are the things harry can do (and outfit he is wearing in the chapter) as well as well tik tok dances because let's be real harry would kill it)

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(art doesn't belong to me but these  are the things harry can do (and outfit he is wearing in the chapter) as well as well tik tok dances because let's be real harry would kill it)

"potter....?" Draco said with a strong blush across his pale face.

"m-malfoy....?!" Harry went completely red. All the people to catch him and malfoy is the one.

Harry got down from the ropes and stood in front of malfoy. Draco looked draco up and down and bit his lip and (for once) Harry notice. And blushed.

"s-stop b-being a p-perv...." Harry stuttered and went to go grab his jumper.

".... You have a nice arse though potter" Draco smirked, tilting his head to get a better view of Harry's arse (touch the child and I will kill you Mr malfoy 👱‍♂️🔫)

"s-shut u-up and don't look at my arse" Harry said as the tsunder he is. But when he turned around malfoy was right in front of his face.

"what's wrong potter?" Draco slide his hands around harry waist and pulling him closer.

"i-... I... Um....." Harry didn't know what to say he jsut stared at dracos face think about kissing it.

"what..?" Draco whispered in Harry's ear.

"be brave potter...." Draco smiled and leaded in same as Harry and their lips met. Harry had never felt so happy. Draco bit Harry's lip and Harry allowed it.

2 minutes after a heated make out session, draco lifted harry up on a table and kissed him. Harry lifted his leg over dracos shoulders. Draco was kept leading in making harrys legs go back further than normal people's legs should.

"my my..... Still training for the Ballet potter?"

This chapter sucked and hella cringey, but I guess I hoped you enjoyed it.

Bye I'm going to launch myslef into a shark tank 😄😌🔫

♡︎☾︎ 𝙳𝚛𝚊𝚛𝚛𝚢 𝙾𝚗𝚎-𝚂𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜 ☽︎♡︎ {𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐞}Where stories live. Discover now