A Permanent Mark On My Heart

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Me and draco were having a ort of sleepover together in the ROR as all the other couples are being all smoochy. Everyone always says that my and dracos relationship is strange and we don't do normal couple things I guess.

Like we give each other spa treatments with is always fun when draco is being a goofy with the products. And how we have pillow fight and we play in the mud and have a mud fight. We go to the muggle world sometimes, which draco is the happiest but when we get the arcade and there's a shooting game, he's happy.

Other couples go on dates alot and the girl gets makeup done and the guy go to the gym. They go to clubs and party. And other things that I'm positive we don't do. But I don't care I like the way we hangout and have fun.

Now I'm making cheesecake as draco LOVES cheesecake. And I'm mean love it, once blaise accidentally ate draco last slice of cheesecake. Let's just say that blaise came out with more than a bruise.

"harrrryyyyy whereeeesss theeee cheeeseeecakeee?!?" Draco whined.
I giggled as he was under are fort we made cover with blankets and pillows, food, spa things and some films.

"dray stop being a baby, your cheesecake is done" I giggled.

Draco and me ate food and watch about two films. We watched 'Don't Breath' which was a scary flim but draco kept me safe. And then we watch watch shrek, which I loved.

"spaaaa timeeee drake" I announce throwing my arms in the air. Draco laughed softly and kissed my neck.

"okayyy what new stuff have you got this time" he chuckled. I pulled out some products to use.

"the new thing is this chest cream thingy, it makes your rashes go away and you skin soft"i smiled at him.

" sooo shirt off Mr malfoy " I smirked and winked at him.

" OK princess~" He teased. I blushed and stuck my tongue at him.

I heard him take his shirt and placed it on the floor.

I turned around and gasped and dropped the glass bowl and stared at draco with pure chock.

" darlin? What's wrong?" Draco stood up and walked up to me.

I was looking at his bare chest, he had a hot body but his was covered in scars.

"d-did I do that?!" I screamed. He gave me a sad face, and rubed his face and more scars across his face.

"I did.... Didn't I?" I started to cry that to him. I scared him.

He started to laugh at me holding my cheeks, wiping the tears off my face.

"harry darlin you see this" he said pointing at a huge scar across his right pectoralis.

"this is where you mark my heart and will always be there"he smiled so lovingly at me.

I sniffed and smiled and started to cry some more.

" Shut up you git "I cried and into his scared chest and hugged him tight.

He chuckled and lifted me up and me wrapping my legs and arms around him.

" I love you, you dumbass"

"love you to, you beautiful bitch"

"love you to, you beautiful bitch"

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Oofff this was

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Oofff this was.... Not the best story ever but eh I haven't posted a story for a few days.

Anywayy you guys deserve better story's than this.

I have no ideas what to do for the 'Atlantica' story, so if you have any suggestions please fill free to comment it, but other than that have a lovely day or night.

♡︎☾︎ 𝙳𝚛𝚊𝚛𝚛𝚢 𝙾𝚗𝚎-𝚂𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜 ☽︎♡︎ {𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐞}Where stories live. Discover now