"..... Attractive French Guy...."

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It was a beautiful spring morning and I just had a fight with Ron. He caught me wearing a crop top and shorts and he was wondering why I was wearing women clothing and we just started fighting.

I was walking through a beautiful forest when I heard sweet singing
"who knows the secret tomorrow will hold? We don't really need to know~"
Wow their voice is so beautiful I thought and I tried to follow the sweet sounds

"Cause you're here with now, I don't want you to go~ You're here with me I don't want you to go~"

I felt like I was getting closer

"Maybe we're perfect strangers maybe it's not forever Maybe intellect will change us Maybe we'll stay togther~"

I was running towards the sound and then I tried and fell through a Bush and rolling down a hill and landed on my back and I looked up to see the most beautifulest place I had ever seen. I got up and then I heard the singing again it was really loud I had to be really close

"maybe we'll walk away Maybe we'll realize"

I looked up and I saw MALFOY?!
He was sitting by the beautiful clear blue water with his feet in and reading a book and stroking what looks to be like TIGERS?!

One of the tigers heard me and turned around he growled and draco said in French I think....

"Calme-toi, rajia, c'est encore un lapin alors asseyez-vous et soyez un bon garçon" he said smoothly.

The tiger just kept growling at me
"Pour l'amour de merlin, rajia, rien n'est là....." Draco shouted but as he looked at me he silenced him self.

"hi...." I said and the all four of the tigers growled at me. I got scared so I backed up.

"stop it all of you" dracos aid strongly. The tigers whimpered and lowered their heads. He offered me his hand. I smiled gently at him and I took it. I pulled him up and little to hard and I landing in his chest. I didn't mean too but I felt his chest it so..... Firm...

"are you OK there pottah?" Draco asked pulling me off him.

"yes thank you...." I smiled and blushed brightly. I've had a crush on draco since 3rd year. He lightly brushed his thumb across my nose.

"you had some mud on your nose" he said softly and smiled.

"thanks.......you have really handsome face...." I said and then slapped my hand over mouth and I ran.

"WAIT HARRY!" Draco screamed, but I just kept running..

A few minutes later 4 tiger jumped on my pinning me down. Then draco come over a looked over me and made a hand gesture which made the tigers get off me.

Draco got on the ground in front of me, I was crying afraid what he would do to me. I mean why wouldn't you afraid of a tall sytherin with tigers? But he didn't do any of what he thought he would do. He pulled me into his chest and stroked my head.

"shhh it's ok" he whispered, I was hiccuping and sniffing. He pulled me out of chest and removed the tears from my face and one of his tigers which was a tiger i've never seen before.

"it's ok Mable won't hurt you, she gentle" he said with a smile. And he was right she licked my face and purred.

"oh and potter" he said a little mad
I got scared and getting ready for my death.

"you can't just tell me I look hot and me not telling you how beautiful you are~" He spoke and kissed my nose.

He winked at me and walked away with his furry mammals.

I blushed and smiled to myself and walked back to my dorm. I kept smiling.
"why are so smiley harry" hermione asked

"I.... Just met a.... Attractive French Guy......"

Hiiiiii I have no clue what to say so I'm just going to tell you the names of draco tigers because why the fuck not

White one with no strips is : Xerox White one with strips is : zionOrange and white is :Mable Normal tiger : Raija So all of them are brothers and Mable is the younger sister

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White one with no strips is : Xerox
White one with strips is : zion
Orange and white is :Mable
Normal tiger : Raija
So all of them are brothers and Mable is the younger sister. And I guess Raija is the alpha of his siblings. That's all I can't be bothered to go into detail they are all adorable that's all you need to know 😌✨❤️


♡︎☾︎ 𝙳𝚛𝚊𝚛𝚛𝚢 𝙾𝚗𝚎-𝚂𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜 ☽︎♡︎ {𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐞}Where stories live. Discover now