Bath Time

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"OK bumblebee time for a bathhh" Draco cheerfully cooed at his baby daughter.

Odeete giggled and made cute like noises that always made draco smile.

Draco had to give her a bath and he was nervous that he's actually never gave a bath to a baby, even though he as 4 other sons. But that was when Harry was here.

Harry was on a trip to Paris for a fashion show and there sons were at there grandparents house. So it was just draco and his tiny bumblebee.

Harry was nervous of leaving odeete because harry hates leaving his kids (mama bear harry) he does trust draco alot but he know how the littles things annoying or pisses draco off.

But he was much more confident on leaving odeete as draco can't stay mad at her. ( I mean who can stay mad at baby odeete)

Draco picked her up out of her bassinet and gave her a little kiss on her nose. Odeete made a adorable little giggle. Draco smiled at that.

He carried her to her own little private bathroom (money money money) "ooofff there we go" Draco said placing her down on the changing table.

"right dont move miss, I'll be right back" Draco cooed tickling her belly.

Odeete made another noise and smiled lifting her feet up and holing them in her tiny hands.

Draco was mentally died of how cute she was.

He went off to get all of her things such as he special soap as she has very sensitive skin. Her clean pj's and her cream.

Once he got all of her things.

"heyyy bumblebee daddy's back" Draco churped walking back into the bathroom.

Draco placed her stuff down and started the bath, making sure it was not to hot nor to cold.

While he was waiting for the water to get reasonable height for her, he was changing her out of her dirty clothes.

Once draco undressed her the bath water was the right height, well to harry it was reasonable height, he lifted her tiny body into the bath.

Draco held her there so she doesn't fall and grabs her bubble bath because she does love her bubbles.

Once draco had poured the substance into the bath he mixed it around of the bubbles can start to form.

Odeete giggle flapping her arms around splashing the water and bubbles everyone.

"odeete, hunny stopp" Draco made a face and pulled back still holding onto her sides.

She kept going for another 3 minutes until her arms got tried.

Draco was unhappy he was wet and had bubbles all in his arm, all over his shirt. And some on hsi chin like he had a beard.

He wash her hair and cleaned her body, soap still on him. He was about to get a towel to dry her but she then started again.

Flapping her arms everywhere nd giggling like the tiny monster she was. Soap and water going up the wall and on her very unhappy father.

He got her towel and picked her up and held her close still unhappy.

He was walking to her room to change her until he heard the door open.

His husband(or wife)

"Im homeee" Harry smiled widely exticed to see his family.

Odeete made a noise suggesting that she wanted her mother.

Draco walked to the centre of the long stairs and stared at harry with his bubbly hair and king bubbly beard and wet as hell.

"oh... My merlin... hahahag what happened" Harry snorted and started to laugh. Draco was walking down the stairs with giggle monster in his arms.

Harry collected his daughter from his soapy husband and tried not to laugh at him.

Draco took in a very loud sigh and snuggled into harrys shoulder.

" I don't know how you do it my love......."


Thats the end of that little chapter it was soft and I enjoyed so yea if you didn't enjoy fuck you kindly Anywayy

I will be (hoping) to get out murder Pt 2 this week or weekend

And 'grease' next week or next weekend

I hope you have a nice day or night.

Stay safe my sexy bitches 😙✌️🧚‍♀️✨

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