Study Bug | pansmione

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As usual hermione was in the library at 2am in the morning. Everyone says that she would over read or work her brain, hermione agrued that her brain is bigger than theirs and can absorb more than them.

Hermione was in purple baggy jumper, baggy shorts and very baggy socks. There were floating candles surrounding her and she was reading a fascinating book about how homosexuals wizards/witchs/any creature stood up for them selfs and made there love legal.

Hermione smiled at the couples, they were hugging, kissing and dancing with one-another. There smile faded away as she wished she could come out bisexual but she knew her dad was against the Lgbtq. It made her scared if other people were like her father. So she stay quite.

The bushy haired girl sighed in defeat and continued reading.

Meanwhile pansy was strolling through the castle thinking about her family.

Pansy came out as a lesbain to her family, they supported her unconditionally but her sister who she was close to scolded her and telling her that she doesn't want to be near someone like her. Of course her mother, father and brothers agrued with her.

And it just tore there family apart and now pansy is wishing she never did come out, maybe her family would still be happy.

Pansy decided to go to the library she thought that a good book would help her clear her mind, and maybe get some blankets as she was only wearing a black laced bra and slytherin shorts with black slippers.

Quieens, a annoying slytherin girl who has to have the heater on full blust so. She had her reasons.

Once pansy walked into the room she smelt something.... Familiar. It smelt like sugar scrubs?

Granger? Thought pansy and she slowly stepped her coll body through the warm library.

There was a firefly glow coming from the corner.

Pansy slowly walked over there and poked her slim face from the book shelfs. Her eyes met to a bushy hair girl.

Pansy smiled at her 4 year crush. Pansy has liked her since 3 year. But  she never tried anything as she knew she hated her. Pansy doesn't blame her for disliking her so much.

Pansy shoulder slightly knocked over a book and made a very loud thud

Hermione shot her head to meet her eyes to the taller girl.

"S-sorry I didn't mean to startle you-I couldn't sleep so I had a walk around and now your here-Hah!" pansy spoke fast and nervously.

Hermione giggled and patted beside her as a sign for her to sit down. Pansy she hesitant first as she thought hermione was going to do something to her. But she finally sat down.

" so why are you up? " hermione said sweetly, placing her boo aside and pulling her knees up to her chest.

Pansy seemed surprise that she asked her that, yes draco and blaise ask pansy why she upset and if she says someone made her upset they would 'fuck a bitch up' in there words. But she said so more calmer than her best friend.

"oh.... Um..." pansy seemed uncomfortable telling this to her enemy. Hermione could tell so she cleared her throat and held out her hand.

"i- hm think your a nice person pansy and we don't have to tell anyone about are true-but um I would really like it if were-um friends?" pansy could tell hermione was scared to say that. Pansy flushed by seeing how pink hermione look and how adorable she was.

Pansy collected her hand and smiled at her. There hands connected like it was ment to be.

They both talked about everything, even there prombles. And found out that they like each other very much. They haven't told one another yet but it will happend on day.

Hermione slept the rest of her night on Pansys shoulder and lap, whilst pansy snuggled into Hermiones bushle of fluffy hair.

Pansys little study Bug xoxo


Whattt???? Two one shots in a day?!

A pansmione one shot omg 😩

Lol anyway I'm gonna do a blairon becuase they are my life. 🛐😩


Bye now

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