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In the middle of the indian ocean and so deep it was hard for humans to reach, was a magic sea kingdom.

There were mermaids, sirens, mermen, crazy octopus witches, sharkmen, sharkmaids and any ocean creature you can think of they probably had it there.

The kingdom was full of joy and laughter and singing. It was a truly beautiful place. But not as beautiful as the Prince of the sea kingdom. He was a beautiful merman.

He had raven curls which he never brushed but always soft to the touch. He had tan soft skin. Eyes as green as a emerald stone. He and a Curvy long crimson tail, which all ways sparkled in the sun.

Other than his beauty he was a strange boy. He had a obsession with the outside. He collected things from wrecked ships and washed up junk but treasure to our soft boy.

This boy was name Harry. He also had a kind soft gentle personality to match with his beauty.

People say he got his look from his mother. She sadly passed away from the shark people,who kidnapped her and sucked all of her beauty and life out of her and was thrown away for the other creatures to finsh the job for them.

The people of the kingdom were devastated about their beloved Queen. They say that harry was a gift to them to remind the people of Atlantica how kind heart there queen was.

After the queen's death although, the king was destroyed this and shut everyone out. And to protect the one thing his queen loved.... Her son. So he shut harry out of te world so he could never be touched or harmed by anything or anyone

The last time they saw Harry was when he was 6. Harry hated the fact he wasn't outside of the castle swimming and dancing and singing with the people.

But sometimes harry sneaks out of the castle and goes out and explore the sea with his fish friend dobby.
Harry done this up to 10- 18.

At 18 he stopped as he's father came to talk to him.

Present time

Harry's POV

I was sitting one my chair looking in the mirror and trying out these strange things I got from a pretty box I found today.

It was long and sharp and had jagged side.

I was looking it for a while when I was stopped in my thoughts when I knock was at the door.

"your highness the king is asking for you please escort your way to the throne" I heard a maid say and the sound of the tail swimming away.

I sighed thinking he's going to try and marry me off to a Prince or a princess again. He knew I was a bisexual but had a slight more interest in males.

I placed my crown alone my head as I had to wear it or it will a discrimination towards the Royal throne.

There were so many rule to obey by as a  Prince. People say 'but your a Prince your life is perfect' but in reality it's not.

"it's ok harry I'm sure it will they will be a nice guy or girl" dobby said trying to cheer my up.

I sighed sadly and weakly smiled at him.

"I don't wanna get married to someone I don't even like." I sighed again.

"I know harry but the king is waiting, move your tail!" dobby said slapping my head gently with his fins.

I giggled and swam to my father.

I stopped at the throne doors and I straightened out my back and breathed in and out. I placed my hands in the royal pose.

♡︎☾︎ 𝙳𝚛𝚊𝚛𝚛𝚢 𝙾𝚗𝚎-𝚂𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜 ☽︎♡︎ {𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐞}Where stories live. Discover now