Little Things Pt4

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Draco: go to hell

Harry: but I swore to myself I'd never go back to my uncles place again


Draco: are you OK?
Harry: your such an asshole I hate you!

Draco: yeah well this asshole as been in your asshole so shut the fuck up.
Draco: I brought a new hoodie today

Harry: I got a new hoodie today
Draco on the phone with Harry when he's at a family meet up: hello Harry, what is it?

Harry on speaker: I new lingerie you have to see it tonight

The Malfoy family:
Harry just wearing thigh high socks:

Draco: Oop- my dick is calling me-shit I mean my friend
Harry literally not even a minute after marrying draco: HIDE THE MONEY Y'ALL THERE'S POOR PEOPLE AROUDN HAHAH


Harry: with you broke ass

Lucius being proud:
Harry: five words. Say it and I'm yours

Draco: five words

Draco: Im not saying I hate diggory

Draco: I'm just saying if he got murdered tonight I would be the murderer

Blaise: Draco.... Calm down first of all he just talking to harry and second why did you have to pick up your father's jealousy and anger issues-
Mconagall: so you and Mr malfoy had sexual intercourses with each other in snape office.

Harry: yeah... I'm sorry pro-

Mconagall: have a buscuit Mr potter
Harry: DRAKIE, DRAKIE wanna see a picture of a dumbass

Draco: hah yea sure *looks at Harrys phone*

Draco: Harry you opened your camera -oh you mother fucker-
Draco: do you know why I called here

Harry:because I accidentally sent you a picture of my thighs in fish nets?

Draco: *stops pouring wine* accidentally?
Draco: am I scary?

Harry: no? Why?

Draco: becuase you always scream when I'm inside you *wink*

The potion class:
Mconagall: everyone please take your seat.


Mconagall: Mr potter...,malfoys lap doesn't not count

Harry giving the death stare and scowling: but why though?
Draco: fuck you

Harry: fuck you too, I hate you

2 minutes later

*both of them nearly naked and snogging the hell out of each other *
Okkk done these were all of from instagram so credit to who made these up. But anyway bye while I die in British heat.

♡︎☾︎ 𝙳𝚛𝚊𝚛𝚛𝚢 𝙾𝚗𝚎-𝚂𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜 ☽︎♡︎ {𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐞}Where stories live. Discover now