My Sugar Daddy Pt4

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It has been a week after what as happened to me. I was destroyed. I was so heart broken.

All the maids and butlers inculing me and draco were all in a damp soggy basement. Draco was chained up and I just stayed close to him at all times, I didn't want to leave him.

Some survents had died as they were determined to get out and they either died from blood lose as the chains digged into their skin and ripped there body. Or justin would kill them if he found out they were trying to escape.

It was a Thursday night and it was freezing. Draco kept trying to get me closer to his chest. I got the hint and smiled and snuggled as closer.

"I'm sorry.... I'm so sorry...." he whispered under his breathe. I felt drops of water falling onto my face.    I looked up to see him crying.

"Draco....?" I said wiping the tears away from his cheek.

"im sorry this is happening to you..... You wanted a better life but I've just made it worse.... I made you become my whore.... I'm a terrible person" I cried.

"a-am I just a w-whore to y-you?" I said with a sad expression.

"well... I mean it's not really like.... Sugar daddy's and babes to have feels for one another.... And I doubt you like me....." he said he was droppy face.

I was mad at him. I was hurt towards him. He only thought as me as toy and a whore..... I mean I guess it is my job.... But.......

I loved him.....

I sighed and turned away from him.

" what's wrong?.... "he said" I mean other than the fact we are trapped and being starved probably to death" he slightly chuckled and I did as well.

"w-well....." I blushed and he tilted his head a little in confusion of my nervousness.

"I..... I....i found out these past few weeks that I've.... Fallen in love with you.... But I'm just a whore really....." I felt tears coming down my cheek. I could stop it.

I gasped and draco grabbed me and held me tightly to his chest.

"I'm glad you feel the same...." he whispered in my ear.

"hmph" I mumbled snuggling in his neck.

"we need to get out of here...." he gently pushed me off him and started to pull on the chains making him self bleed.

"Draco stop your hurting yourself!" I cried at him. He sighed and stopped what he was doing.

I looked around to see away out.

My eyes fell upon the keys on the wall. Why didnt I see that before.

"I could try and get the keys on that wall" I whispered to draco.

He nodded to me and told me to be careful. I got up shaking as it was cold and I was lacking energy.

I walked across the cold damp floor. Trying not to step on the people sleeping and the chains all over the floor.

I reach to the table and climbed on to it as my short ass can't reach it.

Just about as I was going to get it Justin came smashing in to the room. My heart stopped and my blood went cold.

I was getting ready for my death.

"YOU?!" he screamed waking everyone up. He grabbed my wrist and threw me onto the floor spranging something in my leg.

I whimpered at the pain shoting threw my leg.

He was about to punch me in the face, when a I saw...... DRACO?!?!

Come up behind him and beat the living shit out of him. I was scared but relieved at them time.

After 5 minutes of draco punching him in the face and lower body parts. Draco got off him and fell in the floor painting and holing his wrist.

They were covered in blood and ripped up. I gagged a little at the sight but ripped some cloth of the blanket that was wrapped around me and wrapped it around his hands, wrist and anywhere eles he was hurt.

"are you OK?" I said placing my hand beside his cheek.

He nodded and mumbled to me to call the police.

I did as I was told and 34 minutes later they arrived. As well as a ambulance. The maids and butlers were all getting treated and feed.

Draco and me.... Well just me as draco was getting treated for his hands and wrist. And found out he was ill. Draco had the flu and getting worse. Justin was sent to a life sentence and also to hospital as draco broke some bones.

So after all that drama, things started to go sort of normal. I was now officially draco malfoys boyfriend. I couldn't be more happier.

I was now taking care of draco as he couldnt pick up anything up and of his flu.

"come on draco you said if I wear this nurse outfit you will behave" I whined, I was sitting on his lap trying to give him his medicine.

"what happens if I misbehave~" He chuckles and giving my that dirty look. I smirked at him and he got exticed but got shut down.

"ohh yea I'm going to do bad things to youu~" I giggled, he's eyes grew.

"like hit you with the spoon!" I said hitting him on the head with the spoon.

"owww" he whined.

I proudly smuged at him. I giggled as I felt bad and kissed his head were I hit it.

"OK ok I'm sorry" I laughed.

"hmph no your not" he frowned at me.

"I am daddy~" I winked.

"damn it-" he said going red. I giggled at his cute reaction and snuggled with him.

"I love you draco malfoy" I sighed in his chest.

"I love you too harry malfoy" he chuckled. I shot up as he said that I, grabbed a pillow and pushed it into his face blushing like made.

"shut up shut up shut up shut up!!!!" I shouted all flustered.

Draco laughed and hugged his soon to be husband.

Thatsss theeee eennnndddd of theeee sugarrr daddddyyy storrryyyy. Iiiimmm soooo tireddddd Iiii nnnneeeedddd toooo sleeeeppp bbbbuttttt Iiiii dddddonnnntttt wannnaaa~~~~~

K bye peace losers

If I'm miserable I'm taking everyone down with me.....

Not really I hope your having a better day then me 💃

And also.... I'm depressed I have to go back to school sooonnn I have tooooo talk to people ughhhhhh

♡︎☾︎ 𝙳𝚛𝚊𝚛𝚛𝚢 𝙾𝚗𝚎-𝚂𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜 ☽︎♡︎ {𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐞}Where stories live. Discover now