My Sugar Daddy Pt3

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Hello your horny humans of the world today I will be (trying)to be  giving you a little bit of smut! You probably don't care but eh

It was a bright morning as I got a lovely bight of sunlight attacking me in the eye.

My arse felt really sore as well as my upper thighs and legs to be honest. My arms hurt, mostly my wrists. And my chest felt like they had bruises all over them.

I made a whimpering moan as I moved my legs. I tryed to sit up but there was a arm wrapped around my waist.

"were do you think your going....?" A deep voice said behind me.

He picked my up and placed me on his stomach. When I released what happened last night with.... malfoy.

He looked so hot right now. He had messy hair and he was completely naked. He had taht morning look and.... Voice.... He morning voice turned my one again.

"where are you going" he told me with a dead stare. I slid down to sit somewhere eles on his stomach so I wasn't stopping hsi breathing.

I yelped when I slid down to far to his cock... It barely touch my arse and it hurt. Draco chuckled and brought my up. I pouted at him and snuggled down in his neck.

"heh.... I'm guessing your sore?" he chuckled evily.


"well you were asking to be punished Bébé garçon~" He stroke my messy Hair.

I yawned and he smiled he kissed me on my nest on my head.

"I have to get ready for work my dear" he pushed me off him and I whimpered at the lost of his warmth and attention.

"nooo....daddy don't leave...." I whimpered holding on to a pillow covering up my nakedness, I place my head over the pillow and making my puppy face.

"awh....its ok harry ill be back in a few hours" he smiled while putting his trousers on and then placing his gucci belt(you gotta flex though) around his waist.

I was having none of this. I got up and pulled him back in top of me.

Draco smirked and was lending in when he shock his head.

"no harry I need to go" he said getting up off me. But failing as I wrapped my legs and arms around him so he couldn't get up.

"harry...." he whispered slightly annoyed.

"no stay!" I growled

He got pissed and got up with me still around him. Shit I forgot how strong he is.

"Potter get your slutty arse off me!" he shouted ripping my arms off me and placed me on the bed and  walked into the bathroom, slamming the door behind him.

nOw ThAt'S aLoT oF dAmAgE!!

It felt like my heart was breaking, I felt tears streaming down my face. I didn't know why I was crying it was true I'm just a whore for malfoy...

But I didn't want to be.....

Dracos POV

Damn it... My anger issues need to sort there priorities out....

But he was being a little bitch and maybe I over reacted just a bit... I mean I wasn't in the best mood either this morning for some reason.

I got dresssd, brushed my teeth, did my hair and put on some expensive spray.

I sighed and walked out of the bathroom to see harry wearing.... My shirt and boxers....?

I blushed at the sight and then lost it when I noticed he was crying.

♡︎☾︎ 𝙳𝚛𝚊𝚛𝚛𝚢 𝙾𝚗𝚎-𝚂𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜 ☽︎♡︎ {𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐞}Where stories live. Discover now