Natural Hair

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OK so the golden trio was pissed, you wanna know why? Well good becuase Ron is going to have a mental breakdown over it.

"Nooooo!!!! I refuse to go!!" Ron whined in front of Mconagall. She wasnt in the best mood for Ron to do to this.

"ron mate give up she isn't gonna change her mind" Harry sighed in defeat.

"Mr weasely as much as I want to hit you with this book but you have to go to your studies with the Slytherins" Mconagall groaned.

"yes professor we are now going" hermione said pushing the two complaining boys away from her.

She gave a small smile and walked away to go and meet dumbledore.

Hermione looked over to see many disappointed griffindors. She gave them a awkward but worried smile.

Along the way to slytherins dorm rooms the two boys was a bit more happy that others was gonna have to suffer with them.

There was Ginny, Dean, seamus, Nevile, a boy named Oliver, Tyler and four other girls that was in Ginnys year.

They arrived at the dorm entrance and hermione knocked on the door.

The door swung open and a beautiful figure of a girl wearing a black sports bra and green shorts. She even had toned abs.

"hello are you going to come in or what?" Parkison snickered at hermione blushing face. Oliver and Tyler were blushing as well.

Pansy let them in and told another beautiful girl named Wendy to help them to sits and to get settled down. Ron blushed at her, he didn't think there would be pretty slytherins. (offened 😩)

"so um... I guess you can start getting settled in and get your stuff out here if you like anyway" Wendy smiled as a black haired boy with a nose ring entered the room.

"hey boo~~~" He said in a silly tone and kissed her on her forehead. It made her giggle on how goofy he was.

"hi Matthew, go wait in my room and we can have a movie night k?" she said kissing his cheek.

"mk" he walked with a ruffle of her hair and turned back to the scrunched up faces of griffindors.

Ron had a more sour face put on as he wanted to go out with her even though he just met her.

"so I think your fine on your own now all you have to do is wiat for blaise, pansy and draco" she gave a warm goodbye smile and walked away most likely of to find Matthew.

The griffindors were confused because the Slytherins were the least expected to have movie nights and be so affectional(dk if that a word or not)

The griffindors just brushed off there questions and started to unpack books, paper, and ingredients for potions. And....

"Ronald you forgot to back the quils!" hermione huffed in frustration.

Everyone groaned and Ron made a sheepish face.

Harry like a sigh and called over a slytherin that was walking past.

"um hi so you have any spare quils?" Harry asked politely which made Ron give him a Confused look.

"yes there are some spares in dracos room if you look in there the draw next to hsi bed and I think 4th on down there are some in there" the Slytherins replayed with a smile.

The griffindors were really confused on what was wrong with them or they act like this all the time or what?

"oh ok um where is malfoy's room" Harry asked sractching his head.

"down stairs to and go left and it's the 5th one on your right"

"there's a down stairs?" Harry asked a bit shocked.

The slytherin nodded and point to some stair which was leading down wares.

Harry shrugged and went down to find draco malfoy's room.

Harry got fine and saw that they had there own kitchen?! Now harry knew why some slytherins don't come to breakfast.

He walked past a bunch of girl with face masked on and dragging boys with face masked on to what Harry heard them call 'Spa room'.

Harry was about to asked how come slytherin have a much better dorms but hsi head already answered with them being filthy rich.

Harry finally reach the big line of rooms. Harry didn't know slytherins get there own room.

So the 5th one down on my... Left?

Harry opened the one on is left and saw zabini snoring his head off.

Harry quickly shut the door with out making a sound.

Ohh it's my right not my left idoit

Harry carefully opened the door just in case malfoy was sleeping but he wasn't and Harry went pure red when he saw the image in front of him.

It was malfoy with a towel wrapped loosely around his hips and he had water dripping down his muscular chest, he had a 6 pack and his V line sent harry off. But most of all dracos hair was all curly. Harry was shocked to see malfoy with curly hair and not his straight hair.

Harry's blush went down a bit when he spotted the scars on him. There were many on him even ones on his face. Harry knew they were the ones he did on him.

"is someone at my door?" Draco asked cutting off Harry's thoughts.

He now had baggy grey joggers on, Harry missed the bit were he got fully naked.

"um... Yea hey m-malfoy um I here for the spare quils...." Harrys face went back to red again.

"oh" Draco said with a hint of surprise nd reach into his draw and got over 15 out and gave them to him.

"here" when draco placed them in Harry's hand harry noticed how sexy malfoy's hands were.

"potter?" Harry snapped back into reality.

"are you Gonna go or stand there?"

Harry gulped he wanted to observe malfoy more but he quickly left.

Harry zoomed back upstairs to the group. Hermione asked why he was so red and wondering if he has a fever or what not.

They waited for another 5 minutes until blaise, pansy and draco arrived.

Thats when Harry found out malfoy's little secret.

Dracos hair was straight now. And ginny uses this object to straighten her hair.

Draco Malfoy uses a

straightiner(<---idk how to spell that)

But harry like dracos natural hair alot....


Hellooooo sorry for the lack of story's people and don't you worry there is a another one shot that will be done soon with some smutty sprinkles in it 👁️👅👁️

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