Mon Amour

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I was crying in the rain on the chest of my bloody, liveless husbands body.
"d-draco d-don't d-don't leave m-me y-you p-promised"
His pale cold hand reach to touch my cheek. He weakly smiled at me
"Au revoir mon amour....." he breathed and lied his head back down on the pathment. His hand fell off my face.

"no.... No.... NO!! DRACO STOP IT STAY WITH ME.... don't leave me..."
Draco closed his eyes and lied there in the rain. I just cried I didn't want to let him go. A few more minutes of crying I passed out hearing sirens in the background.

The next morning I woke up alone in my bedroom. Then remembering what happened last night. "Draco! DRACO DRACO?!??" I ran down stairs to see a brunette and a ginger. "w-Where's draco?"
"were sorry Harry.....but draco..." hermione spoke softly.
"he... Passed on mate... We're sorry"
My whole world crashed on me...
"n-no...." I broke down in tears and stumbled into hermione arms and I screamed as loud as I can which made hermione cry and Ron whole as aswell as me....

A few weeks as gonna passed we had draco funeral. I hated binging there seeing my husband there dead and liveless.He was sitting on hi bed with a box that said To my darling sunflower that's what draco called him sometimes. I didn't want to open it but I ending up opening it, I smiled softly at the sight of dracos old Jersey from hogwarts and my old baby bear and a the malfoy ring. If only our child could meet you dray. (prego Harry)
I found a little note that said

"Je te regarde toujours Mon tournesol"

Even though I can't speak French I still smile to hearing his voice and I continued to read.

Prends soin de toi......

mon amour.....

This was so depressing writing this anywayyyy I'm going to cry in a hole ✨🤚🏻😭😩


♡︎☾︎ 𝙳𝚛𝚊𝚛𝚛𝚢 𝙾𝚗𝚎-𝚂𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜 ☽︎♡︎ {𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐞}Where stories live. Discover now