The One Where Draco And Harry Don't Want A Child Anymore

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When hermione gets pregnant and luna gives her a tape on how it's like.

Draco: what? Reading the title of the tape cookie and Kerry? Meh probably one of those werid 70s plays harry watch.

Places the tape in to the tape player

Draco: let's see what's thing crap is turns on the tv

The video plays and its 100% not play and draco watches somone give birth

Draco: * traumatised*

Harry: *walks out of his room wearing a smexy outfit* well? What do ya think Mr malfoy

Draco: *looks at Harry with a traumatic face*

Harry: ok gez I didn't think it was that bad *slowly wraps his flowery bathrobe*

Draco: harryyy why did you get me that for valentines day?!

Harry: what oh! That's not ours honey that's for mione, why did you watch it?

Draco: *nods slowly*

Harry: Draco you getting all worked up by a tape giving birth is a beautiful thing

Draco: beautiful?! Is this beautiful?! *aggressively turns on the TV*

The TV comes back on with the women screaming and Doctors around her

Harry: oh my merlin ahh why is that thing doing to her!?

Draco: now are you happy we didn't use that potion last night!

Harry and draco sit on the sofa traumatised

Mione walks through the door after a knock

Hermione : ohhh did I interrupt some kinky time

They both shake there head no

Hermione: ok? Anyway is the tape in?

Harry: yea

Draco: do you want us to leave you alone?

Hermione: nooo I want you guys with me, you guys wanna baby so we are in this together.

Hermione plays the tape


Harry: it's... Its still beautiful?

Hermione: no its not that child is ripping her apart!

Harry: I know!! I feel so bad for you!

Draco: why am I watching this for the third time?!
Harry and hermione cover their eyes

Draco: hey guys look!

Harry: what what?! Did her ass explode?!

Draco: nooo look the baby's born

Harry: aw it's so small

Draco: if that's a small baby how big were you?

Harry: *giggles and slaps dracos arm lightly * shut up, you OK mione?

Draco: how do you feel about giving birth?


Hermione: no

Just a little something for here I haven't posted a story in a while on this book anyways the next chapter of stripper is coming out soon xx

♡︎☾︎ 𝙳𝚛𝚊𝚛𝚛𝚢 𝙾𝚗𝚎-𝚂𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜 ☽︎♡︎ {𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐞}Where stories live. Discover now