The Lion King

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The morning breeze flew across the Slytherin Lands as the new born cub as been born. Animals from all over the Hogwarts pride lands rushing to get to the slytherin pride lands.

As well as the....

Hufflepuff Queen and King and there 5 year old cub named Cedric, Ravenclaw Queen and king with their son Jai who was 3 and there daughter Cho who was a year old, but the Gryffindor Queen was trying to convince The king to go to the Slytherin prince's ceremony.

"James Lucius is your friend and Narcissa is my best friend!" Lily growled at him. James grunted and shookil his mane and turned his body around the laid down.

"Well if your not going me and OUR child will go" lily snarled and walked out of the cave, James shot his head up and jumped of his rock he always sleeps on.

"ok ok I'll go but just to tell you me and Lucius are not friends" James said helping the pregnant lioness down the stone stairs.

"What do you mean, you've been friends since you were small Cubs...well you were the small cub, Lucius was quite a big cub" she giggled. James glared at her.

They began to walk to the Slytherin lands,they were both followed by the all the animals of the Gryffindor lands. Lily was greeted by a quite small lion.

"Molly, how lovely to see you" lily smiled, molly and lily have been friends almost as long as narcissa and lily, molly was always jealous of there friendship. Molly hated Narcissa, even more as she became a queen.

"how is Ron?" lily asked, molly had a young boy about 3 months ago.

"he's doing just fin-" molly was cut off by a elephants trunk, and animals chattering as they saw the King of Slytherin rise on pride Rock.

He let out a massive roar to serve his dominance towards the others.

Everyone, except the Gryffindor Animals, bowed. When James looked over the animals bowing there were over a million. Even the elder lions were bowing, such as Dumbledore and Mconagall. He was hoping his ceremony would be better than Lucuis son's.

Lily pointed at the old ancient monkey named merlin, he made people Kings, Queens, princes and princesses.

Lucuis helped him up the tall stairs of Slyther Edge. Up on top was the opening of the cave were the queen was cleaning her new and soon to be Prince.

Merlin cooed at the sight of the cub, he was a little concerned about the size of the baby as he was a rather big for his age.

This made Lucuis panic and kept asking question about if he is OK.

Merlin chuckled and assured the worried male that he was fine and healthy. The new calmed the king down and watched merlin open and green fruit which had thick green liquid inside.

His long old fingers was about to reach onto the fruit when he felt a small paw trying to attack his hand.

This made merlin laugh and petted his nose pushing him back into his mother's paws. Cissa held him down so the young Prince can stop interfering with the monkeys work.

Once merlin had the green goop on his fingers and swiped it across the lion cubs forehead.

Narcissa and Lucuis rubbed there heads together, proud and happy of there new Prince.

"What's the boys name?" merlin smiled at the royal couple.

Lucuis looked at narcissa, she smiled him and turned her head towards the monkey.

"Draconis, draco for short" Narcissa smiled licking her baby's little blonde floof on top of his head.

Merlin smiled the name and picked up the lion cub, he bowed to lucuis and walked up at point of the rock.

Narcissa and Lucuis followed slowly behind, until a little bird flew onto Lucuis shoulder.

"Your majesty, your welling up" the bird said smiling at Lucuis teared up eyes.

Another bird who was a female flew onto his other shoulder.

" He is a very handsome boy, sir" the female said smiling as well.

Lucuis chuckled and thanked them both.

"Dobby and winky you guys can have the day and night off if you like" Lucuis smiled.

"thank you my king" they both said while bowing.

Merlin was at the top of Rock about to show everyone the new Prince.

Everyone was at the tip of there toes ready to see the Prince.

Merlin show the new Prince to the world, everybody was roaring or making some sort of nosie to celebrate. James didn't want to nor did the weasleys.

Once all of that was done the King and Queen of slytherin sat on there tall rock ,which they sleep on, with there new Draco the Prince of Slytherin.

Kings and Queens from all over hogwarts Lands even some outside hogwarts brought presents and luxurys for the New Prince.

When Gryffindors Royals came in narcissa got exticed and went to go and cheak on her best friend.

"hiii" lily giggled as well as cissa.

"heyyy how have you been? How is the baby?" cissa said.

"I've been great love and the baby's is due in 2 months!" they both started there girly talk, when Lucuis came down with his son on top of his head bitting his ears, James inside gagged.

"hey mate how have you been lately" Lucuis said smiling.

"great great yea" then they started to have a talk and James was trying so hard to put on a fake face, he managed to get through.

For nearly the whole night they were laughing talking cooing at draco. Talking about advice about when there cub is born. Alot of stuff basically.

After they left James couldn't get out of his head that he deserved to be king of Slytherin not Lucuis.

He's only way to get what he wants is to....


The Slytherin King and Prince so he can be king. He believes he can easily beat narcissa. Let him keep dreaming.


That all depends if the

Slytherin Prince

Gets there first


HeLlO Oooo this is your request harryisaf-ingbottom

I know its not drarry but it can be if you enjoy this and if you want a part 2?

Anyway bye and I'm working on another art request just please be patient im struggling a bit, but anyway bye losers.

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