Married For A Day

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Helloooo whores of the.... Wattpad world? Idk but anyway this story contains smut in ten second part so if you want that to happen tell me.

 Wattpad world? Idk but anyway this story contains smut in ten second part so if you want that to happen tell me

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It was a normal day at hogwart for harry, no one was dying, no voldemort. Thank merlin.

Everyone was excited today as it was the day were they get to go to their future for a whole day.

Some people decided not to as they want it to be a surprise along the way including Draco, Pansy and blaise and some others.

Hermione wasn't doing either she said that she wanted her future to remain secret. She tried to talk the two boys out of it but they wanted to see what would happen.

When everyone was walking to the room they were doing the future day trip the people who weren't were walking to another room to do different activities in there. The whole time Ron teased blaise for being a pussy and not doing it, surprisingly to harry and mostly ever one blaise just shrugged it off like it never happened.

Ron was pissed about he tried to hide it... Didn't try hard enough.

Once they got in the room It was filled with bed with a big tube going over it, potions and professionals talking to students each by each.

Harry was confused with the tube beds, he tried to tell Ron about his concerns but he was to busy talking to seamus.

It scared harry a bit but just stuck it in.

They were standing there for at least 20 minutes as they were waiting for people to come back or get in.

Ron was finally next and he seemed nervous and Dean pointed it out and obviously Ron denied it.

Harry laughed with everyone eles but after gave his ginger friend a pat on the back for good luck.

Ron laid down in the dome shaped bed and and took a deep breath in.

The lady gave him a soft smile and shut the door. The sounds of the buttons making noses caught Harry's attention of Ron. She was doing so fast harry wondered how many times she's done it.

Next thing harry knew Ron was gone and now it was his turn to go in.

Harry was having second thoughts on this but the smiles on peoples faces and saying how amazing everything is he wanted to see it for him self.

"you OK dear, you can back out if you like my love" she cooed softly seeing Harry's scared face.

"No... No it's fine I've got this" Harry let out with a brave smile.

The lady smile back at him and told him were to keep his arms and leg so it wouldn't go wrong. That made harry panic. But she insisted that nothing with happen it's a low chance it would happen.

Harry began to wonder if something happened with him and ginny, or even cho!

Harry took a breath in as she closed the door. Next thing he knew he felt cold and felt like he had pins and niddles every where and suddenly he was transported in a colourful tunnel with memories of his life playing. Harry smiled at the sight of his mother and father crying together in the hospital with him in his mothers arms.

♡︎☾︎ 𝙳𝚛𝚊𝚛𝚛𝚢 𝙾𝚗𝚎-𝚂𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜 ☽︎♡︎ {𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐞}Where stories live. Discover now