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Warning before you start
⚠️Bits of smut (☞ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)☞
⚠️ graphic scenes

Some of these warnings will most likely to be in pt 2 or pt 3 if their is one

If you not comfortable with reading about any of these your more than welcome to leave. Any with the ones that are comfortable and ready for this. Let's get on with the 'murder'

The hogwarts clock struck to midnight. And Harry was wide awake. He heard someone scream in the forest he woke Ron up to tell him about it. He just told Harry that it was one of his nightmares.


Harry didn't feel like it was...

That happened half a hour ago Ron and fallen back to sleep snoring his ginger head away. Harry was panicking.

Come on Harry Ron's probably right it was just.... A N-nightmare....

Harry laid his head down back down and pulled his covers over him and closed his eyes before open them straight up.

There was a blood screeching scream. Harry's shot up and started to shake. No one else heard it and was still sound asleep. Harry didn't think it was  a good idea but he deicide to go and see what is was about. Maybe someone was in trouble.

Harry got out of bed and wrapped a soft pink blanket around his half naked chest.

He tip toed out of the boys dorms and carefully walked down the stairs to the main dorm.

When Harry was walking down the hallway when he heard the scream again. He jumped and held himself in his blanket tighter.

He held it more closer to him as he heard heavy footsteps coming towards him.

Harry gasped and hid behind the curtains. He was peaking through a little crack of the purple silk.

The footsteps got closer.

Harry gasped at the sight of malfoy covered in...... A red substance...?

Could it be blood.....?

He was dragging a long black sack.....

Malfoy walked away into a secret room.

Harry crouch down covering his mouth and wrapping the pink softness around him tighter. Not believing what he just saw.

2 hours before

Draco POV

I was walking into my secret shed that I made in year 3. I've kidnapped this rat of boy who is, Well was, going to confess his dumbass feelings to MY harry.


I Was hella piss.... Butttt on the bright side I haven't  kill anyone in a few months so it will fun too try some of my new toys on him.

I walked in the wooden shed....

There he is Toby Ivan.... Tied to a chair.... Knocked out.... With a bloody nose....

With a swish of my wand he started to murmur....

"hmph.... Ugh my head...." Toby whined softly. He started to pull on his wrist to notice that he was tied up.

"hello Ivan~" I chuckled my demonic laugh.

"WHO ARE YOU?!" I shouted

I stepped out of the darkness into the light to come face to face with this ugly piece of shit. I smirked.

"m-malfoy?!" he trembled at my name rolling of his lips.

"hi Ivan how are on this bloody night~" I churped with a satanic smirk.

"what the fuck are doing you freak!" I could tell he was hesitant to get that out of the hole in his mouth.

I raised my sharp knife and pressed it gently against his ugly skin.

"malfoy what ever I'd idnt ik sorry please...." he started to panic as I pressed the metal a little harder than before.

"hmm you touched what belongs to me" I dropped my smirk into a dead stare.

I pressed the point of the object to he's cheek and close my eyes. Then the thought of Ivan wrapping his hand around MY Harry's waist and kissing him. I tighted my eyes and without a hesitation I sliced right through cheek.

He made a blood curling scream.

I smiled.

"you better shut up before I make you into voldemort" I grunted wrapping my hands around his weak neck.

"p... P.... Please s-stop - I-I'm s-sor-sorry" he said with hiccups in between his words. His blood dripped down his cheek down into the crook of his neck.

"hmm... No" I said with a stern voice.

I sliced into his neck harder as I go down his neck.

"AHHHHHHH PLEASE IM SORRY" he sceamed struggling in the chair he was tied to.

"Shut it!" I shouted.

He didn't shut his trap. Someone was gonna hear him. I was getting annoyed. I gave up with this son of a bitch.

I threw away the knife a picked up a bigger knife and didn't hesitate about and slice right down his throat to the bottom of his stomach. He did one last scream that filled the air.

"ugh fuck stake Ivan you got blood all over me" I scowled at the dead body in the chair. I smiled to myself.

"oh my dear Tony Ivan that what you get for trying to steal my harry from me" I purred.

I untied him and his lifeless body flopped on the floor.

I stuffed his dumbass in the body bag and carried it back to the castle.

'merlin this bitch is heavy' I thought to myself as I dragged it across the hallway.

I heard something in curtains. I didn't really think much off it. As I was in a rush to get the body to fluffy room so they can get rid of the evidence for me.

I swore I saw something in the curtains.......

Helloooo I hope this was an OK chapter. And I wanna state that when draco is insulting Tony on like how he is ugly and stuff I wanna say that no one is ugly all of you are.....

Sexy motherfuckers 💞✋💋😘😉

But you already knew that so I hope you have a lovely day stay safe my bitches


♡︎☾︎ 𝙳𝚛𝚊𝚛𝚛𝚢 𝙾𝚗𝚎-𝚂𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜 ☽︎♡︎ {𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐞}Where stories live. Discover now