Mr Harry Malfoy Pt 2

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"y-you married malfoy?!" Ron shouted really loud it made the dogs start barking.

"Shut up!!!" Harry shouted back and slapped his hands over his mouth.

Everyone went silent and heard a grumpy man drag his feet across the floor.

Draco stood in at the top of the stairs with a grump and sour face.

"heh..... Good morning love" Harry knew he was screwed.

He stomped down stairs and grabbed harry away from Ron. Draco wasn't the morning type. He didn't really see who it was as he was half asleep.

"WHO. DA. FUCK. IS. YOU." Draco screamed he was holding harry tightly to his chest.

"Draco!! There are children around" Harry scowled and nipped dracos side.

"hey! I'm going to punish the shit out you!!!" Draco shouted again and yawned.

"you fuckers woke me up arseholes" Draco mumbled.

"Draco stop it!" Harry elbowed dracos side.

"wait......WEASLEY?!" Draco growled and his veela wings sprawned his wings out.

The two children got afraid and hid behind hermione, Harry notice that and stood in front of Ron with a 'I'm going to kick your arse' look on his face.


"BUT HE'S THE ONE THAT-" Draco growled.

"I don't care at this time in the morning go back to bed now!!!" Harry shouted.

Draco just glared and growled at everyone. And stomped back to bed.

After harry finds the weasleys a room nd walks back into his room with his husbands head under the pillow. Harry's sighed sadly and sat in the bed next to draco.

" dray....." Harry said. Draco just turned hsi head the opposite direction of harry.

"bubby~" Harry spoke softly a with his cute little tone taht always gets draco. Draco lifted his head with red and blue eyes. Which ment he was angry and sad.

"awhhh come on my wittle baby" Harry purred squishing draco cheeks together.


"awh is Drakie tired?" Harry giggled  giving him a nose kiss.

Draco smiled and apologise and Harry did the same. They were both gonna go back to sleep when they felt little eyes staring at them.

And they were right. All of their children were standing in the door way.

" can we wleep wit up?" odette mumbles softly.

"yes PLEASEEE dad and papa" scorpius begged the same with James and twins.

Harry giggles and patted the bed for them. They all snuggled together and draco got his wings out and wrapped them over his family"

"...... Goodnight raven and goodnight my little pups....."

This pt 2 sucked but I need to go to sleep its 1am so I need to go nap naps 😴💤💤💖

♡︎☾︎ 𝙳𝚛𝚊𝚛𝚛𝚢 𝙾𝚗𝚎-𝚂𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜 ☽︎♡︎ {𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐞}Where stories live. Discover now