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Colin's P.o.V
She looked at me in annoyance, bright red. Smirking, I shrugged and leaned back casually.

"I warned you," I breathed softly, poking her side.

She snuggled against my chest and listened to my heart.

"Don't fall asleep, little one.... or John will hate me."

"I won't..." she breathed, looking up at me.

Wait. She was shaky and tired. Had she taken her pills? I would call her on it later.

"What's the first step of the leaf?" the teacher asked.

"Cuticle," she said meekly.

"Correct, as always actually, take a cue from Lucy."

"Nerd.", I laughed softly and tousled through her hair as she suddenly shifted her weight and sat right on top of the gun, which was now pressing uncomfortably into my stomach.

"What the hell is that?" she whispered, as I felt the object.

Slowly, I moved it a little to the side.

"Focus on your lessons."

She nodded and listened, the teacher asked a few more questions, only she pointed and answered each one correctly and with each question the hatred for her grew.

"You know you're doing all this to yourself right now?"

My gaze slid murderously over everyone once until finally everyone looked away and we had our peace again.

"I'm not going to lower my grades because of the others..."

"As if you could bring your grades down by showing up less.... John is all about the written grades anyway.", I smirked and stood up as the bell rang and John walked towards us.

"Oh... ", she got up and walked out to leave us alone to talk.

Lucy's P.o.V.
I waited for Maja in the girls' bathroom after all I was supposed to give her the money.
When she entered the bathroom, she pushed me into one of the stalls and I immediately gave her the money. She looked at me condescendingly, she went out and played hooky with James for the rest of the day while I hung over the toilet bowl whimpering to my stomach while something kept coming up in fear and nervousness.

Colin's P.o.V.
My footsteps echoed loudly through the hallway as I stepped up to the two brainies and stood in front of them.

"Hand over the fucking money."

My voice sounded cold and my muscles were tense to the max.... I knew this James guy... he was the buddy of the guy I had just killed the other day. Maybe he was smart enough to understand that I wasn't up for playing games.
The bitch next to him, Maja, or whatever her name was, quickly pressed the money into my hand, pulled James on and looked back at you anxiously before the two disappeared from my field of vision. I grumbled annoyed and looked around.

Lucy's P.o.V.
I stood whimpering in a cubicle, not daring to get out and also too weak to open the locked door.

Colin's P.o.V.
I counted out the money and realized with satisfaction that she had given me all of her money and not just what she had taken from Lucy. Smirking, I ran to the bathroom and chased out a couple of girls who were inside.

"Lucy? Are you okay?"

"I can't get out. "

I looked at the lock on the door and realized it was easy to open even without a lockpick.


"I don't want to, and even if I wanted to, I can't get the door open," she muttered, embarrassed.

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