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Colin's P.o.V.
My gaze swung back to her when all of a sudden there was a loud thump outside the door and I jumped up frantically.

"Fuck! Hide!"

My hand darted to my backpack before I more or less hurried to the door. Immediately, the girl did what I said and hid under my bed. Once she was out of sight, I opened the door and gave Keith an annoyed look.

"I thought you weren't coming until tomorrow?"

"Yeah...I thought so too. But Nadja kicked me out. So I figured, what's a best friend for?"

Winking, he pushed past me and threw himself on the couch.

"What did you do this time?"

I inconspicuously glanced in their direction before closing the door with a loud bang, most likely waking up all my neighbors, which I didn't really care about.

"Hit her."

"You what?", aghast, I looked at him before hitting him in the back of the head. "What's wrong with you please?"

"Thought she cheated on me."

Shrugging his shoulders, he reached for the remote, but I knocked it right back out of his hand.

"Well never mind, now I'm finally free again. Let's go celebrate, I could hook up a few more bitches for us. After you take care of the little one under your bed, of course," he grinned.

She came out of hiding with her eyes to the floor.

"Honestly buddy, I'm disappointed in you, how could you keep such a hot chick from me."

His gaze lingered on her legs after looking at me reproachfully.

"Don't give me that shit. How long are you going to stay?", I grumbled annoyed before getting up and going to the fridge and bringing him a beer.

"As long as it takes Nadja to take me back".

That could take forever.

She walked after me scared, always keeping an eye on my buddy who seemed to be undressing her with his looks.

"How much did you make today?" he asked casually, while sipping a little of his beer and continuing to keep an eye on her.

"Nothing. The wanker didn't show up.", I grumbled in annoyance and flopped back down on the couch.

"Mike?" asked Keith before tapping next to him and gesturing for her to sit down.

Lucy's p.o.v.
What does he mean by that?
And why should I sit down next to him, of all people?

So I did what I was used to doing at home and sat down on the floor next to the couch.


Confused, my rescuer looked down at me before pulling me to my feet and pushing me down on the cushion next to him.

"This asshole owes me 4 grand now.... I think you should go visit him sometime." he said to his overly suspicious friend.

Colin's P.o.V.
Keith winked at me before draining half the bottle and I responded with a cold "You got it."

As I always do when I am supposed to kill someone, I shut down all my emotions and mutated into a cold stone.

My gaze fell to the girl who quickly sucked in the air and immediately jumped back to the ground.

Lucy's P.o.V
I was never allowed on the sofa!!! And if I was asked to, it was just a test and I was immediately beaten. I don't think anyone would understand, but I was just so used to it. For 3 years I was with this foster family, who clearly treated me differently, like their own child.

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