Chapter 49

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Felix's POV

"Molly," I sign, watching my best friend, "Molly, please." She doesn't blink. My heart sinks as I realize she's gone. Maxima has her. She's stuck under her control, waiting for orders. My stomach turns. She stares ahead, her eyes now red and empty. It breaks my heart to see her like this, but I can't seem to pull myself away. As I'm watching her, my phone starts to ring.

"Hey guys," I sigh, turning away from Molly for the first time. I bite my lip then walk out of the room, closing the door behind me.

"How is she Felix?" Calum asks, his voice rushed.

"Not herself," I admit, "She's been sitting on the floor, just staring ahead at nothing for the last hour. Her eyes are red now, guys. I think Maxima has her."

"Shit," Michael swears in the background.

"This is all my fault," Luke chokes out.

"How do we help her?" Calum cuts in, determination in his voice, "We have to get her back."

"I don't know. She's like a drone. She- She's gone!" My jaw drops as I peak back into the room. The cell door is hanging wide open. The curtains across the room blow in the breeze coming through the now open window. Shit.

"Gone?" Ashton yells, "What the fuck are you talking about? Felix?"

"She fucking broke out," I snap, grabbing my wallet and keys as I sprint out to my car, "I left the room because I didn't want her to hear this conversation and somehow get it back to Maxima. She hadn't moved for an hour straight. Maxima must've-" I freeze as I long up. Molly stands directly across the street from me, her eyes uncharacteristically cold as she glares.

"Felix? What's going on?" Calum shouts into the phone.

"Molly!" I call, moving towards her, "Molly, I'm your best friend. I know Maxima has you under her control. Fight it. I hav-" I reach my hand out tentatively. She glances down at it, then activates her blue energy. Shit, I think. She slams her hand against me, the blue energy sending me flying backwards into the side of my car. I cough loudly, struggling to catch my breath as I watch her walk away before turning invisible.


"Well we have to come up with something!" Calum snaps, "This is Molly. She's got how many powers? Forget that she's your sister, your guys' friend, my girlfriend, if Maxima has control over her and her powers, that just means disaster for everyone."

"We have to shock her out of it," Luke says quietly as he walks up. He keeps his arms crossed tightly against his chest, his eyes trained on the ground.

"Okay, how?" Ashton sighs, "What will shock her out of mind control?"

"She can try stabbing Luke?" No one laughs at Michael's poor joke.

"You're not gonna like it," Luke whispers, glancing to Calum, "But I don't think there's any other way to get her back."

"What?" Calum frowns. We all wait for his answer.

Luke hesitates, "What's the one thing Molly loves more than anything else in this world?" Calum's face immediately drops.

He shakes his head no, "No. No, absolutely not. No. You've lost your damn mind, Luke. No."

"What am I missing?" KayKay speaks up.

"It's the only way, Calum," Luke persists.

"Not a fucking chance. You're not gonna use my goddamn daughter as bait." We all grow quiet at the mention of Zara.

"I don't like it either," Luke agrees, "We just have to take her to wherever Maxima and Molly are hanging out. If Maixma sees her, she'll try to take her or kill her. Molly will snap out of it then."

"Kill her?" The horror in his voice is evident. "Can't we use one of us instead of Zara?" Calum persists, his voice breaking, "She's only five, Luke. I- She's my baby. I can't- No. That's not an option. No." He's a mess. The rest of us share a look. Luke's right. Zara being in danger is our best chance.

"Cal-" Crystal pauses.

Calum whips his head up, staring at the group in shock, "Don't tell me you all are actually considering this! She's a child!" He turns and storms upstairs.

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