Chapter 15

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Molly's POV

Calum and I move into his bedroom, practically clawing each other's clothes off already as we make out. He moves his lips off of mine and kisses along my jaw. Anticipation burns in my stomach as I grow more and more excited.

Calum reaches behind my head, tangling his fingers in my bright red hair. I moan softly against his lips, pressing closer to his body. Before I realize what's happening, he's yanking my mask upwards and off of my head completely.

"I knew it!" He screams, "I knew you were lying to me!" I freeze for a second, then snatch my mask out of his hand. I scramble away from him, rushing towards the window. I fucked up. I fucked up so badly.

"Molly, wait," Calum calls, grabbing my arm, stopping me from leaving his house. I turn and look at him, my heart racing. What's he gonna say? I wince, squeezing my eyes shut in preparation  for the worst.

To my surprise, Calum starts to laugh as he pulls my body back against his, holding onto me tightly. I relax, clinging to his shirt as I press my face into his chest. He kisses the top of my head.

"I knew you weren't dead," he chokes out, his voice breaking, "I knew it. God, I missed you, Molly."

"I missed you too," I whisper, refusing to look up at him, "so fucking much." I know he's crying.

Sure enough, Calum sniffles and lets go of my body, "What the fuck have you been doing for the past five years, Molly? What the fuck even happened?"

"I faked my death," I admit, my face burning in shame, "I'm sorry, Calum. I-" He cuts me off by grabbing my cheeks and kissing me again. We break apart, and I look at him in confusion.

"I don't care right now, Molly," he mumbles, holding my hips against his, "I just want you." I smile and nod, kissing him again as I shed my jacket.


"Hey," Calum mumbles as soon as I wake up. He's looking down at me, a small smile on his lips.

I grin, staring up at him, "Hey."

"You look hot as fuck with red hair, Molly," he informs me, making my cheeks heat up. I giggle and kiss his nose. He sighs contently, pressing his face against my neck.

"Thank you," I reply, running my fingers through his short blue hair, "I love your blue hair." Calum starts to kiss my jaw, moving over so he's hovering over my body again.

"Calum," I say softly, my breath hitching in my chest, "Cal, baby, I can't. I have to leave."

"What?" He moves off of me, a pout on his face, "Why?"

I sit up, cupping one of his cheeks, "I have to go to work, babe. Don't tell anyone I told you this, but we might have another super villain on the loose."

"What?" Calum's voice is higher as he watches me climb out of his bed and start getting re-dressed. "Who is it? What does he want?"

"She," I correct, pulling my crop top on, "It may just be nothing, but we had a teen boy show up at the police station the other day who told us that he had been under the influence of a super villain. Apparently his girlfriend cheated on him, and he was extremely upset about it-"


"-and someone came and found him, then took him to a new super who offered to give him powers to get revenge if she could take over his emotions. He agreed. But apparently the powers didn't stick. He's just human."

"Wow," Calum mumbles, his frown deepening, "She can control people and give them powers? Is that even possible?"

I shrug, buttoning my pants up, "Not sure. That's why we're looking into it. The kid remembers absolutely nothing about what they looked like, how they tried to give him powers, or where he was. Owens is convinced it's just a prank. Either way, I have to go investigate and figure this shit out."

"Be careful, Molly."

"I always am."

Calum rolls his eyes, an unamused frown on his face, "That's fucking hilarious."

I laugh and kiss his lips, "I know. Bye babe." He kisses me back. I pull away a second later and retie my mask around my head. I climb through the window, feeling Calum's eyes on me the entire time. 

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