Chapter 13

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Calum's POV

I move through the crowded police station, glancing around for Felix as I also try to remain in the background. After about two minutes, I find Felix's desk over in the corner of the room. He's hunched over the desk, staring at a file. One hand is tangled in his hair, and he has a prominent frown on his face. I contemplate just coming back a different day, but then decide against, determined to get answers.

"Hey Felix," I call softly, standing in front of his desk. He whips his head up, clearly startled.

"Oh," he laughs awkwardly, standing up, "Hey Calum. What's up?"

"I have a question for you." He nods, gesturing to the chair beside his desk. We both sit down. I bite my lip then continue, "I need to talk to Blaze. How can I get in contact with her?"

Felix swallows hard, "I don't know. I really don't know her. I mean, I just see her in passing in the station sometimes." He begins to fidget with a pen, twirling it around in his hand. I can see him growing more nervous.

"You're lying," I accuse, "I saw her leaving your apartment before the half a decade of service ceremony. Look Felix, I really, really need your help. I, uh," I lower my voice, "I made a mistake and slept with her. I need to break things off with her. And also apologize."


"Yeah. I kind of made her take her mask off."

"What?" His eyes are practically bulging out of his head, "You, uh, saw her without the mask?" I nod. "And?"

I hesitate, "I promised her I wouldn't talk about her face under the mask. I'm sorry, Felix. I just thought she was Molly, but she wasn't so.... Anyways, I need to apologize. How can I contact her?"

"I think it's probably best if you just don't talk to her anymore, Calum," Felix tells me, his voice hard, "I- It's just better that way. If you'll excuse me." Before I can answer, he's standing up and leaving his desk. I sigh in defeat, frustrated at his answer.

"Hey," someone calls. I glance over at the desk across from Felix's. The cop sitting there gestures for me to come over. I stand and move over.


"You're looking for Blaze?" He checks.

I nod, my body perking up, "Do you know how I can get in contact with her?"

He glances around us, then moves slightly closer to me, "Not really. All I know is that she's usually out patrolling on the other side of town at nights. I heard she likes to hang around some shitty old diner. I think Tremor hit it way back in the day. Do you have any idea where I'm talking about?" I deadpan as the memory of us taking Molly to that diner where she saved us from a Tremor goon smacks me in the face.

"Yeah, I got it. Thanks." He nods, then moves away, acting like our conversation never happened. I turn and leave the police station, trying to decide if I'm really that desperate to find Blaze.

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