Chapter 32

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Molly's POV

"Mummy!" Zara chirps into the phone, "Daddy and I are making dinner. Wanna come?"

"I really can't, baby," I sigh, distracted as I listen to the police radio in Felix cruiser.

"Why not?" She whines. I can practically see the pout on her face.

"Mummy's busy right now, baby. I-"

"Zara, can I have the phone?" Calum's voice cuts in in the background. Our daughter groans loudly but passes the phone over to Calum. "Molly what's going on? You're acting weird, even for you."


"Molly we have something!" Felix yells, jumping up. I move the phone away from my ear just in time to hear the end of the report on the police scanner. Something about Maxima being spotted. I buckle my seatbelt as he goes speeding off, his siren blaring.

"Molly? Hello? Are you still here?"

"Yeah," I answer, "I gotta-"

"Are you in a cop ca- You're chasing after Maxima and Vengeance, aren't you?"


"Just promise me that you'll be safe, alright? Please babe?" I can head the worry in his voice.

I bite my lip, "I'll try Calum." I hit the end call button before he can say anything else.

"You good, Molly?" Felix inquires, glancing over at me as I rest my head against the window.

"How can I face them if I can't save Luke?"

"You're gonna save him," he tries to assure me, his voice shaking, which isn't reassuring at all. "If anyone can do it, Molly, it's you. I mean, you and Luke are so close-"

"Were," I correct, "Let's face it Felix, you and I both know that if I hadn't fucked up and fucked Calum, then Luke wouldn't be in this situation right now. Who knows if we even can break Maxima's control?"

"We can. I mean, we did with Anthony-"

"We didn't do shit with Anthony. His DNA wasn't compatible with the powers she tried to give him."

"He was still under her control though," Felix argues, "The powers just didn't stick."

"Then how did he break free of her control?" I demand, leaning towards Felix, my heart racing.

A smile spreads across his face, "You don't remember what Anthony said?"


"Oh," he teases, "That's right. You weren't at that interrogation. You were busy getting dick."


"If the person being controlled by Maxima experiences a big enough shock, they snap out of it. All you have to do is shock the anger out of Luke, and you'll break Maxima's control over him."

"Like electric or-"

"Anthony didn't really specify," he shrugs. I groan loudly.

"So can I ask, why the Psyche costume today? I figured it was your shock factor for Luke, but seeing as how you didn't even know about that..."

"Ha ha," I mock as he pulls up in front a dingy looking building, "It's time for Psyche to come back from the dead. I'm going in. I need you to stay out here and keep police out. I don't want Luke or Maxima panicking and doing anything rash. If I can get through to Luke, I should be able to take Maxima with no issues."

Felix nods, "Be careful Molly." I grin and climb out of the police cruiser, sprinting up into the old structure.

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