Chapter 41

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Molly's POV

"You- Vengeance- powers- what?" Ben chokes out, staring at Luke, who continues to keep his gaze locked on the floor.

"I found out Molly was alive and got really, really angry. One of Maxima's goons found me when I was wasted and brought me to her. I agreed to have her boost my anger and thus take control of me in exchange for a way to protect Sierra and the boys without Molly's help," Luke explains, his voice shaking as he repeats the story for what must feel like the millionth time. Mum and dad both sink backwards onto the couch, clearly overwhelmed by this information. Luke yanks the ends of his sleeves down, covering his hands. It does nothing to hide the red glow. I go over and sit beside Luke, who is visibly shaking again. The red energy starts to glow brighter. He shoves them back under the blanket.

"You tried to kill Molly," mum connects. Luke winces. They all stare at him.

I bite my lip, "I didn't blow up in that building. I faked my death five years ago."

"You what?" Dad demands, "You know what, we'll come back to that in a minute, Molly. Right now we're talking about Luke."

"No," I argue, "me. Luke doesn't want to talk about this anymore right now."

"Well I didn't want two of my kids to have powers and one of those two to fake her death to avoid us for five years," he retaliates, not backing down.

"I didn't want to leave my daughter and fiance without ever saying goodbye. Or Luke, Ashton, Michael, Sierra, Crys, KayKay, or any of you. I had to do what I had to do to protect all of you. I have put everyone through hell, and I'm not proud of that. The decision I made had hurt everyone, and right now, Luke is the one suffering because of that. But I've made my bed, and now I'm lying in it. Instead of being mad at me, maybe you two should show some sympathy to him, considering he was emotionally and mentally manipulated."

"Oh Luke," mom says softly. She switches couches, moving over for a hug. He jerks away before she can touch him. "Honey?"

"I don't wanna hurt you, mum," Luke chokes out, "I don't have complete control over my powers yet. I can't control them." I reach over and grab Luke's hand, squeezing it tight.

"How can they hurt us?" Jack frowns, "I mean, Molly heals people with hers all of the time."

"I don't have control over mine yet," Luke repeats, "Molly does." I kick his ankle. Luke's eyes grow wide as he realizes he fucked up. I sigh in defeat, knowing what's coming.

"What would happen?" Ben cuts himself off, staring at the two of us.

"Basically," I hesitate, "it's like a drug. It's giving you a taste of having our powers without you having the genetics to support." I bite my lip, my gaze focusing on my lap, "Like what happened to Drew." The silence is deafening.

"What?" Jack finally croaks out, "You- you killed Drew?" Calum grabs my other hand, reassuring me

"It wasn't on purpose," I choke out, my throat burning, "She found out about my powers and accidentally touched my arms when they were activated. She- Drew had a drug problem already. My powers were just another way for her to get high. She blackmailed me, forced me to keep getting her high off of my powers. She eventually overdosed."

"What was she blackmailing you with?" Dad's voice is steely.

"She threatened to tell everyone about my powers-"

"I lost my daughter because you didn't want us to find out about your powers, Molly?" Mom demands.

"I'm your daughter too," I remind her.

"So that gives you the right to murder your sister?"

"Dad," Jack says softly, "It's not the time." I just simply stand up and go upstairs, looking for Zara.

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