Chapter 2

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5 Years Later

Molly's POV

"Hey Molly!" Felix calls from the kitchen, making me look up from the television screen. He pokes his head around the corner to talk to me, "Calum is gonna be here in five minutes."

"Thanks," I reply, sighing softly. Zara looks up at me, her big blue eyes sad.

Her tiny arms wrap around my waist, "I don't want to leave you, Mummy!"

"I know baby," I soothe, running my fingers through her choppy brown hair, "But you have to leave. Don't you miss daddy?"

"Why doesn't daddy know you're alive?"

"What do you mean?" My eyes squeeze closed. This is the moment I've been dreading for the past five years.

"He told Uncle Luke it's been five years since you died. Why doesn't daddy know you're here?"

"Well Zara," I start, moving so that I can be eye level with her, "It's because I'm a secret, okay? I'm yours and Uncle Felix's special secret. If daddy knew about me, he'd get upset. I don't want him to be upset, so I don't tell him." Zara nods slowly, my shitty explanation making perfect sense to her. I smile at her before pulling her tiny body into my arms. My daughter wraps her arms around me, pressing her face into my neck.

"I wish we could be a family," she sighs, making my heart break.

"I know, babe," I mutter, "I know. I wish that too."

"Molly," Felix warns.

"I know," I assure him, "Alright Zara. You be good for Daddy this week, okay? I'll see you in a week princess."

"Bye bye mummy," she chirps, kissing my cheek. I grin and do the same to her, making Zara giggle loudly. Calum knocks on the front door. I reluctantly let go of Zara and quickly move around the corner, into Felix's bedroom.

"Hey Cal," my best friend greets.

"Daddy!" Zara shrieks happily. I hear stomping as she runs over to him. Against my better judgement, I turn invisible and peak around the corner. I watch as Calum's face lights up as he reaches down and grabs our five year old, swinging her around in his arms as she shrieks with glee.

"Do you have her bag?" Calum questions, Zara seated on his hip.

"It's in my room, I think," Felix answers, oblivious to the fact that I'm currently hiding out in his room.

"Okay. Say bye to Uncle Felix, honey," my ex-fiancee instructs, setting Zara back on the floor, "I'll be back in a minute." She nods and grabs Felix's legs. Calum walks over towards me. Panic fills my body as I try to silently back away as he gets closer and closer to me. He turns the corner and looks around the room, trying to spot the Disney Princess bookbag. I quickly tip toe in front of him, moving to the opposite side of the room from the bookbag. Calum stops dead in his tracks and sniffs the air. I mentally curse my perfume, my heart racing. A sad, nostalgic smile appears on his face. I contemplate just going over and grabbing his hand, my heart aching.

"Did you find it Calum?" Felix shouts from the living room.

He shakes his head, snapping from his trance, "Yeah, I got it!" He walks over and grabs the bag, slinging in on his shoulder before quickly leaving the bedroom. I stand there quietly, listening as he and Zara say goodbye to Felix before leaving, the front door slamming closed behind them.

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