Chapter 35

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Molly's POV

"Easy for you to say," Luke mutters, his arms now shoved behind his back in a poor attempt to hide the red energy flowing around them, "You've been doing this shit for almost ten years. Not to mention, you getting powers was an accident. For me, I got them as a way of revenge." As I look at him, it suddenly dawns on me that he's doing the exact same thing I used to do to try to hide my powers from the boys.

I bite my lip, "Don't worry, Luke. I'll disappear again once we get checked out of here, and you'll never have to deal with me again." My heart breaks at the thought of telling Calum and Zara about that. But I don't want to put the boys in an awkward position and make them choose between me or Luke. I can't do that to them.

"I don't want that."

I look up in shock, "You don't? I thought you were mad at me and just wanted me to disappear again?" He shakes his head no before speaking again.

"God what's wrong with me?" Luke sighs, covering his eyes with his hands, "Why can't I just be happy that you're back?"

"What do you mean?"

"When I thought you were dead, I missed you so fucking much. I would've killed just to see you one more time. But when you came back from the dead, I couldn't just be happy to have you back. I had to freak out, run away, get powers, and try to fucking kill you. What is wrong with me? Anyone else would've just been glad to have their sister back. Sure, they'd be a little mad, but they'd get over it. But not me. God why am I the only fuck up?"

"Luke," I call softly, my heart aching to hug him, "everyone reacts differently to different things. Nothing you did was wrong-"

"I agreed to be emotionally manipulated by a supervillain in exchange for powers to get revenge on you, which resulted in me stabbing you," he deadpans, the corners of his mouth turning up ever so slightly as he talks about the situation we just experienced.

I giggle loudly, unable to help myself, "Okay, maybe your intentions were a little flawed, but I am the one who put us in this situation. If I hadn't just come back after five years-"

"I'm glad you did," Luke jumps in, smiling softly at me, "Really. I missed you so, so much every day that you were gone. We have a shit ton of Keeping Up With The Kardashians to watch."

"I can't wait," I agree, sighing contently.

"Hey Molls?" I glance over, my eyebrows raised. Luke starts to sob, "I'm so, so sorry." I scramble out of the hospital bed, pulling my IV over with me to the edge of Luke's bed. As soon as I'm close enough, he's reaching over and yanking me into a tight hug, just holding onto my body. I relax against his frame, clinging to his tee shirt.

"I'm so, so sorry, Molly," Luke cries against my shoulder, "I fucked up. I fucked everything up. I nearly killed you. I-"

"Oh shut up," I tease, knowing this is what Luke needs right now, "Don't get cocky. I'm fine. I barely have a scratch on me, which means you hardly did any damage. I think I should be apologizing to you by the looks of it. I seem to remember kicking the shit out of you in that fight, and you have the bruises and cuts to show it." I wait for him to take the bait. Almost immediately he's rolling his eyes and wiping stray tears off of his cheeks.

"I stabbed you," he defends his fighting.

"I- Wait. I'll just check your chart to see what I did," I laugh, grabbing the clipboard from the bottom of his bed. "Let's see. I gave you a mild concussion, some random cuts, ooh I broke your ribs!"

"Fuck you," Luke mutters, his hand resting on his torso.

"I'm not done," I giggle, relieved we're getting along a lot better now, "I also bruised, as the doctors put it, a few areas on your body."

"Let me see your chart," Luke demands, holding his hand out, his cheeks tinted pink, "I wanna see the damage I did. There's no way that I didn't do anything but stab you."

"Why do you care?" I challenge, already moving back over to my bed to get my chart, "I still won."

"You've been a superhero since you were sixteen. I just got my powers. I just want to see how good I am at controlling them."

"You take boxing lessons," I remind him, moving back over to his bed, "Plus, you had a super villain controlling you and a knife. Those are known as unfair advantages. But since you're so desperate to know, I have some minor cuts and bruising, a black eye, I lost a lot of blood due to the stab wound from you, and I-" I cut myself off, my heart racing as I read the end of the sentence over and over again. Lost the pregnancy? I was pregnant? My hand involuntarily moves down to my stomach, resting on top of it. I bite my lip, unsure of whether or not I'm going to cry.

"What? Scared to admit defeat?" I don't answer, my brain still processing the overload of information it just received. Luke frowns, "What's wrong Molly?"

"Nothing," I lie, deciding he probably shouldn't know about this. I start to turn away to put the clipboard back. Before I even take a step, Luke's reaching over and snatching it out of my hand. "Give it back!"

"No!" He replies, gripping it tightly. I watch as his eyes scan the list, reading every word. He stops cold at the end, his body going rigid. "You lost a baby because I stabbed you?"

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