Chapter 31

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Molly's POV

"Molly, your, uh, your phone is ringing," Sierra says softly as she passes me my phone. I talk it from her and answer the call from Calum.


"Molly, are you okay?" Calum cuts me off, "You didn't come home last night or call or text or anything. I'm worried."

"I'm fine," I assure him, staring at the television as Sierra switches it over to the news, "I just got caught up on patrol last night then ran into Sierra, and-" I stop talking as I look at the video on the screen, my jaw dropping open. "Calum, I have to go. I'll talk to you later." I end the call before he can even say goodbye.

"-night two new supervillains were spotted on camera robbing a local fast food restaurant. In footage obtained from security cameras, viewers can see the duo walk up to the register and pull a gun on the cashier before demanding that she empty the register. According to our sources, the villains, who have dubbed themselves Maxima and Vengeance, got away with a little over a hundred dollars. So far there is no word from the police or Blaze yet. Stay tuned as more details emerge."

"Fuck," I swear, staring at the grainy security camera picture plastered on the television screen.

"That's Luke," Sierra whispers to herself, chewing her nails as she looks at her fianceè, who is dressed in red clothing with a black mask across his face.

"This is my fault," I mutter angrily, "I should've never even come back. This wouldn't have happened if it wasn't for me."


"I'm gonna go track down Luke and Maxima. If Calum or anyone else asks, don't tell them that Luke is Vengeance. The last thing anyone needs is for them to be freaking out and drawing attention to that because the media will get right in my way and never get over it, and they will never stop worrying."

"Okay," she nods, nervously fidgeting her hands.

"Si," I pause, "Don't worry. I'm gonna get him back."

"Please be careful Molly," she whispers, holding me tight, "I know you can do it." I nod then pull out of her grasp before leaving through the front door, my blood boiling.


"Hey Moll- Are you okay?" Felix questions, sitting up as I slam the front door closed and move towards my room to get changed into my Blaze outfit.

"Maxima struck again," I start, my jaw clenched tightly, "She got Luke, Felix. She got Luke and gave him powers and took him to that McDonald's last night to rob the cashier. Sh-"

"Luke is Vengeance?" Felix demands, scrambling to his feet, "Why did his powers stick and not Anthony's?"

"I have no fucking idea, Felix," I huff, moving into my room, "I've got to go find him and break Maxima's control." I close my door and move over to my closet to get my Blaze outfit out. That's when I spot my old black bookbag sitting on the floor, partially buried under old clothes. I bite my lip, then pull it out. I set the bag on my bed, unzip it, and pull my Psyche outfit out before getting changed.

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